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The Texas Navy

Edwin W. Moore to Louis P. Cooke, August 28, 1840

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Edwin W. Moore to Louis P. Cooke, August 1840


  the coast of Mexico, where there is for so great a portion
of the time very little wind, unless it be blowing a
Gale, which seldom lasts long.)

              If the Argyle, as small as she is, is purchased
by the Mexicans, and catches this ship in a calm,
or very light wind off soundings, she would annoy
her very much.

              We shall be out of Provisions, or nearly so, on
the 1st Dec, and I would respectfully suggest, that
the Navy-agent be sent to New Orleans, in time to
purchase three months [sic] supply for the number of persons
in the Navy; which can be ascertained at the Dept
from the Quarterly Returns ending the 30 Sept
which I will endeavour to have reach the Department
by, or before the 20th Oct, and by which the estimates
can readily be made out.

              By the same return the Department will perceive
that some of the men’s time expires in November and
December, and I hope that money will be placed in the
hands of the Navy-Agent to pay them off.

              Letter No 2 directed to H.B. McMinister at
Mexico I herewith return to the Department, No 1
having been received and answered as per Mr Treat’s
letter to me.

              Accompanying is a Meteorological Table kept
on board this ship for the month of July, and an


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Edwin W. Moore to Louis P. Cooke, August 28, 1840. Texas Navy Papers, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.


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