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Edwin W. Moore to Louis P. Cooke, August 28, 1840

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Edwin W. Moore to Louis P. Cooke, August 1840


  I determined to land a party of men and get some fresh
Beef. The Mexicans who came down, five in number,
viewed us as savages, and begged us most imploringly “not
to molest the women”; on being assured that they would
not be, and that we only wanted some fresh beef,
they were really astonished[.] [T]he men were formed on
the Beach, and the Mexicans soon had three Beeves
down, and we were underway again at dark.

              On the 23rd not having fallen in, with either
the San Antonio or Brig Wharton, which vessel I had
ordered to meet me off Point Mariandrea, not having
received any-thing from Mr Treat, and the time having
elapsed that I was to have been off the Brassos de Santiago,
I determined to stand down off Vera-Cruz under Amer-
ican colours, and board the first vessel that came out,
in hopes of hearing whether Mr Treat had left Mexico
or not, and at the same time have a look at their shipping.
That afternoon I was within  three miles of the Castle of
San Juan de Ulloa[.] Stood off all night, and on the
next day in the afternoon an English Brig came out;
the wind being light, did not get near her until the
next morning, when she sent her boat along-side with
a letter from Mr Treat enclosing one to His Excellency the
President, and two to the Honl A.S. Lipscomb Secretary of State.

              The Brig was Her Majesty’s Brig Penguin and I
learned from the Officer who came on board from her, that
the Centralists had no vessel of War in Vera-Cruz, that the


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Edwin W. Moore to Louis P. Cooke, August 28, 1840. Texas Navy Papers, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.


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