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Edward Burleson, Jr. to John S. Ford, March 30, 1858

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Edward Burleson to John S. Ford, March 1858

prevented us from overtaking the enemy
in a large prairie at the head of Elm Creek.
We then directed our course to the head of that
stream, which we reached at sundown and where
we found the trail we had left about 11:00 o'clock
in the morning. We had then ridden 68 miles
since breakfast time, and found it necessary
to rest our horses, and to camp for the night.
At daylight on the 27th the pursuit was resumed
and Kept up to the double mountain Fork
of the Brazos. We had then been up 36 hours
without eating and became fully satisfied
we could not come up with the Indians,
in as much many of the horses had failed,
and the rest were much fatigued. The order
to return was given with reluctance and obeyed
with sadness, yet there was no alternative After
so many hopes of inflicting a heavy chastisement
upon the Comanches. I regret being compelled to
report the fruitless effort. Before closing I must
be permitted to speak in the highest terms of
the promptness, fortitude, and courage of the
officers and men who participated in

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Edward Burleson, Jr. to John S. Ford, March 30, 1858. Texas Indian Papers, Volume 3, #174, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

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