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Ebenezer Allen to Andrew Jackson Donelson, June 23, 1845

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Eben Allen to Andrew Jackson Donelson, June 23, 1845

Department of State
Washington 23. June 1845.

The undersigned Attorney General of the Republic of Texas
charged ad interim with the direction of the Department
of State by order of His Excellency the President,
has the honor of transmitting to the
Hon. Mr. Donelson Charge d Affaires of the United States
[?] this government. The Enclosed copy of a
Joint Resolution adopted by both houses of the Congress of
Texas on the 21st inst. and this [?] received and approved by the President.
Declaring the consent of the existing government of
this Republic to the terms of the proposition for annexation, tendered
by the United States through the Hon. Mr. Donelson on the
31st of March ultimo to the Government and People
of Texas.

To all true friends of the great cause of
annexation and especially to the Hon. Mr. Donelson, whose energies and
talents have been so ably and faithfully devoted to the success of that
process, it must be particularly gratifiying to observe the harmony and unanimity with
which the Resolution has passed thro the houses of Congress
and received the Executive approval.

Rejecting the idea of separate nationality,
commanded to their choise by the proferred
recognition of their independence by Mexico, and the
countenance of powerful European sovereignties, the

people of this country have thus evinced by
most decided manifestations their strong but natural
preference for
the advantages of voluntary incorporation into the American union,
and their strong attachment to the free institutions of
that great and glorious Republic.

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Ebenezer Allen to Andrew Jackson Donelson, June 23, 1845. United States Diplomatic Correspondence, Texas Secretary of State records, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

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