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James Treat to Mirabeau B. Lamar, February 15, 1840

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James Treat to Mirabeau B. Lamar, February 1840


 This, latter arrangement, had been previously arr-
anged between Mr P. and myself, in case of necessity.
Wishing to bind him to this arrangement, before
he should again, change his mind, I addressed
him a short note (copy of which with others I
will transmit in a few days) in which I expressed
my regret that the Guarantee required of Mr P.
was not such a[s] he thought he could with any
propriety give and assenting to his plan of
receiving my written communications, prom-
ising him, that I would in a few days, address
him at length, conveying the views & feelings
of the Govmt of Texas, as regards the matter under
discussion, as we had verbally agreed upon etc. etc.
On Mr Pakenham’s delivering the Secretary
this letter, he again became unquiet and
said that Mr P. had misunderstood him, that
communications signed by me (tho’ simply with
my name, and without any title of Agent etc.
was what he wished to avoid, as this would
be to treat with me as agent, and altho’ he was
personally & individually satisfied of my appoint-
ment & powers, yet I had presented no creden-
tials, which would justify him, as the organ
of Govmt to open a discussion with me, on the
apparent objects of my mission—But that he
had intended to say, that Mr P. might hand
him any papers or communication he pleased
touching the matter at issue & that he would receive
it, and place it, before the Government for their knowledge.

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James Treat to Mirabeau B. Lamar, February 15, 1840. Correspondence with Mexico, Texas Secretary of State records, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

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