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James Treat to Mirabeau B. Lamar, February 15, 1840

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James Treat to Mirabeau B. Lamar, February 1840


 I trust, that, ere long I shall be further
enlightened by your additional instructions
rendered now not only very desirable
but almost absolutely necessary, and
Especially, if you have adopted the views
communicated by Gen H. to Mr Pakenham
as regards an armistice until April 1841
conditioned that this Govmt meantime
agree to negotiate a peace Recognition and
boundaries. Pray my dear Sir, give
me your further and full views and
wishes, when you send my credentials,
or if not done already, immediately on
receipt of this. I have not had the
full conversation promised myself with Mr Pakenham but shall
next week, and will then report the
results. I have not received a Texan
newspaper or letter since My arrival here.
I am most anxiously awaiting some
arrival [arriving] from N. Orleans at Vera Crus [Cruz]—
which I am sure must bring me some
thing from you. I hope my request
about funds will have met your sanc-
tion, and that I shall soon be so apprised[.]

             I remain with great Respect, and

Your obedient Servant
James Treat  

To/Gen. MB Lamar

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James Treat to Mirabeau B. Lamar, February 15, 1840. Correspondence with Mexico, Texas Secretary of State records, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

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