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Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Friday, March 30, 2001

The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) met on Friday, March 30, 2001, at 10:00 a.m. at the Marriott RiverWalk Hotel, Salon C, in San Antonio, Texas.

Members Present:
Kenneth Carr
Sandy Melton, Vice-chair
Sandra Pickett
Elizabeth Sanders

Members Absent:
Chris A. Brisack
Carolyn Palmer, Chairman

Staff Present:
Manuel Alvarez, director, Information Resources Technologies
Michael Heskett, director, State and Local Records Management
Deborah Littrell, director, Library Development
Donna Osborne, director, Administrative Services
Peggy D. Rudd, director and librarian
Edward Seidenberg, assistant state librarian
Beverley Shirley, director, Library Resource Sharing
Vanessa Siordia, Administrative Services
Troy Hoyles, acting director, Talking Book Program
Erica McKewen, communications officer
Melissa Russo, executive assistant

Guests Present:

Carol Bartz, Texas Library Association
Marvin Rich, Texas Library Association
Barbara Valle, system coordinator, Texas Trans-Pecos Library System
Angie Garcia, assistant coordinator, Texas Trans-Pecos Library System

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1. Approve Minutes of the February 6, 2001, Commission meeting.

Commissioner Carr moved to approve the February 6, 2001, Audit Committee minutes; Commissioner Pickett seconded. Motion passed.

The Commissioners made three changes to the full-commission minutes. Commissioner Carr moved to approve the minutes as corrected; Commissioner Pickett seconded. Motion passed.

2. Report of the Director and Librarian

Peggy D. Rudd highlighted hey topics within her written report, such as legislative activities, Friends of Libraries and Archives of Texas activities, staff changes, and agency recognitions. Ms. Rudd also introduced Beverley Shirley, director, Library Resource Sharing, and Troy Hoyles, acting director, Talking Book Program, to the Commission.

Commissioner Melton asked about the status of the Texas Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Board (TIFB), and both Ms. Rudd and Mr. Seidenberg elaborated on TIFB updates.

The Commission set the date of September 17, 2001 for a future Commission meeting in Liberty, Texas.

Commissioner Melton commended Ms. Rudd on her hard work and traveling, and Commissioner Melton also commended agency staff on their new library publications.

3. Approve contracts greater than $100,000.

No contracts at this time.

4. Approve acceptance of gifts greater than $500.

Commissioner Melton reviewed the following gifts:

The State and Local Records Management Program received $4400, deposited on March 7, 2001, from AT&T Wireless Services. The gift represents the annual donation to the Commission in conjunction with the easement and lease arrangement for the cellular tower located on the grounds of the Records Center Building, 4400 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin.

The Talking Book Program received a $2000 donation deposited on March 12, 2001, from Christine Wilkins Snovell on behalf of her deceased grandmother, who was a resident of Plano and had been a patron of the program since 1996. The funds were given for the specific purpose of purchasing talking books and large print materials for the program.

Commissioner Sanders moved to accept gifts; Commissioner Carr seconded. Motion passed.

5. Report on the 77th Legislative Session.

Peggy D. Rudd explained to the Commission the charts that agency staff created to monitor the actions of the 77th legislature. Edward Seidenberg walked the Commissioners through the handout.

6. Report on the Status of Grants to the City of El Paso.

Deborah Littrell reported to the Commissioners the status of grants to El Paso. She was pleased to report that the Texas Trans-Pecos Library System staff and the member libraries have been working hard to improve the program and services offered. Ms. Littrell stated that the system's continuing education programs are being well-attended. Ms. Littrell noted that with the cooperation of the City staff, they are in the process of successfully completing negotiations regarding overpayment of indirect cost. The City agreed to forgo collection of indirect costs in the current and future system grant contracts until the overpayment is recouped, which will enable funds to be used to benefit system member libraries.

7. Report on the Implementation of the Library of Texas Project.

Beverley Shirley reported on The Library of Texas, a five-year project in which the agency will collaborate with the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Board (TIFB) to deliver information when, where, and how Texans need it. The State Library will use TIFB funds to implement a virtual statewide library, a digital archive of state government publications, greatly expanded database offerings, and training that takes advantage of innovative methods of electronic delivery.

8. Report on the Friends of Libraries and Archives of Texas.

Commissioner Melton spoke of the progress of the Friends of Libraries & Archives of Texas. Commissioner Melton stated their first meeting was a success, and she was encouraged by all the support received by the group.


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9. Authorize publication of proposed rule repeal relating to microfilming fees, chapter 6, §6.121

Michael Heskett requested permission to publish the proposed rule repeal.

Commissioner Pickett moved to publish the proposed repeal; Commissioner Sanders seconded. Motion passed.

10. Authorize publication of proposed rule repeal relating to Records Center Storage Fees, chapter 6, §§6.122-6.123.

Michael Heskett requested permission to publish the proposed rule repeal.

Commissoner Carr moved to publish the proposed repeal; Commissioner Pickett seconded. Motion passed.

11. Authorize publication of proposed new rule relating to Micrographics Services Fee, chapter 6, §6.121.

Michael Heskett requested permission to publish the proposed new rule.

Commissioner Carr moved to publish the proposed new rule; Commissioner Sanders seconded. Motion passed.

12. Authorize publication of proposed new rule relating to Records Center Storage Fees, chapter 6, §§6.122.

Michael Heskett requested permission to publish the proposed new rule.

Commissioner Pickett moved to publish the proposed new rule; Commissioner Sanders seconded. Motion passed.

13. Approval of revised Employee Guide

Donna Osborne requested approval of revisions to agency policies as requested by the Texas Commission on Human Rights and recommended by the Commission members during the meeting on February 6, 2001.

Commissioner Carr suggested additional changes to the Employee Guide:

- page 21, paragraph 3; objected to terms "objective" and "measurable"
- page 8, paragraph 6; objected to terms "objectively" and "measured"
- page 23, paragraph 3; objected to terms "objective" and "measurable"
- page 26, paragraph 2; suggested wording change in first sentence.
- page 37, paragraph 2; deleted word "All" in sentence 4.
- page 75, paragraph 2; proposed wording change to combine first and second sentences.

Commissioner Carr volunteered to write a letter with rationale to support his objections.

Commissioner Sanders stated that she would vote against deleting the terms "objective" and "measurable."

Commissioner Carr moved to approve changes on pages 8, 21, and 23. Agency staff should contact the Texas Commission on Human Rights in writing outlining the State Library's concerns and request TCHR approval of the revised guide. Commissioner Pickett seconded the motion. Commissioners Carr and Pickett voted in favor of the motion. Commissioner Sanders voted against the motion. Motion passed.

Commissioner Carr moved to approve changes on pages 26, 37, and 75 of the Employee Guide; Commissioner Pickett seconded. Motion passed.

Commissioner Carr made a motion to delay approval of the Employee Guide until the next Commission meeting; Commissioner Sanders seconded. Motion passed.

Commissioner Melton applauded Commissioner Carr and Sanders for their thoughts and comments.

14. Resolution honoring Raymond Diaz and Jack Jackson on their Retirement.

Commissioner Melton read the resolution honoring Raymond Diaz for his service to the agency. Commissioner Carr moved to approve the resolution; Commissioner Sanders seconded. Motion passed. Commissioner Carr stated how impressed he was with Raymond Diaz's work history.

Commissioner Melton read the resolution honoring Jack Jackson for his service to the agency. Commissioner Pickett moved to approve the resolution; Commissioner Sanders seconded. Motion passed.

Commissioner Pickett extended her compliments to the writer of the resolutions, Erica McKewen.

15. Public comment

There was no public comment.

Commissioner Melton adjourned the meeting at 11:48 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Peggy D. Rudd
Director and Librarian


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