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Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Tuesday, September 19, 2000

The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) met on Monday, July 24, 2000, at 10:00 a.m. at the Austin Club (110 E. 9th St., Austin) to discuss legislative issues with the Texas Library Association.

Members Present:
Carolyn Palmer, Chairman
Chris A. Brisack
Kenneth Carr
Sandy Melton
Sandra Pickett
Elizabeth Sanders

Members Absent: none

Others Present:
Peggy D. Rudd, Director and Librarian, TSLAC
Edward Seidenberg, Assistant State Librarian, TSLAC
Pat Smith, Executive Director, Texas Library Association
Gloria Meraz, Director of Communications, Texas Library Association
Julie Todaro, President, Texas Library Association
Rhoda Goldberg, Texas Library Association

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Chairman Palmer convened the meeting at 10:00 a.m.

1. Discussion with Texas Library Association regarding legislative initiatives.

The Commission discussed legislative issues with the Texas Library Association. The three objectives of the meeting were to (a) define roles, (b) develop strategies to promote issues, and (c) develop a timeline. No action items were discussed.

Chairman Palmer adjourned the meeting at 12:30.

Chairman Palmer reconvened the meeting at 1:35 p.m. in Room 314, Lorenzo de Zavala State Archives and Library Building in Austin.

Members Present:
Carolyn Palmer, Chairman
Chris A. Brisack
Kenneth Carr
Sandy Melton
Sandra Pickett
Elizabeth Sanders

Members Absent: none

Staff Present:
Peggy D. Rudd, Director and Librarian
Edward Seidenberg, Assistant State Librarian
Manuel Alvarez, Director, Information Resources Technologies
Jenifer Flaxbart, Director, Talking Book Program
Michael Heskett, Director, State and Local Records Management
Chris LaPlante, Director, Archives and Information Services
Jeanette Larson, Director, Library Development
Donna Osborne, Director, Administrative Services
Michael Piper, Director, Library Resource Sharing
Wendy Clark, Library Development
Patty Davis, Library Development
Erica McKewen, Executive Assistant

Guests Present:
Rhoda Goldberg, Harris County Public Library
Gloria Meraz, Texas Library Association
Barbara Valle, Texas Trans-Pecos Library System
Angellica Garcia, Texas Trans-Pecos Library System

2. Approve Minutes of the May 15, 2000, commission meeting.

Commissioner Carr noted one revision to item number nine of the full-commission minutes. Commissioner Pickett moved to approve the minutes as corrected; Commissioner Carr seconded. Motion passed.

Commissioner Carr requested the Commission first discuss agenda item number nine "Approve Legislative Appropriations Request for Fiscal Years 2002-2003" to allow commissioners to discuss and rank the exceptional items and give staff enough time to tabulate the responses. The Commission agreed.

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9. Approve Legislative Appropriations Request for Fiscal Years 2002-2003.

Edward Seidenberg reviewed the base budget and answered questions from the Commission.

Mr. Seidenberg also reviewed the following five exceptional item requests:

  • Reading Program Grants (license plate funding)

  • State Aid Grants for public libraries

  • Database funding (Library of Texas match)

  • Staffing and public awareness for Talking Book Program

  • Archival appraisal and digitization

After much discussion concerning the exceptional item requests, Commissioner Carr moved to table the item and recess the meeting for 10 minutes; Commissioner Brisack seconded.

Chairman Palmer recessed the meeting at 2:20 p.m. and reconvened at 2:35 p.m.

3. Report of the Director and Librarian.

Director and Librarian Peggy D. Rudd reported on the following topics:

  • Status of Gates Foundation grants to Texas public libraries

  • Direct state aid for public libraries

  • Testimony before the Federal Communications Commission

  • Friends of Libraries and Archives of Texas

  • Texas Reads/New Millennium license plate status

  • Documenting the Difference, published by the Institute of Museum and Library Services

  • Various speaking engagements and library visits

4. Discuss and approve Audit Committee recommendations.

Audit Committee Chairman Pickett reported the recommendations of the Audit Committee:

  • table the approval of the Audit Report on Grants to Lubbock City-County Public Library;

  • approve the Audit Report on Grants to Corpus Christi Public Library;

  • approve the report on the status of audit recommendations from prior years;

  • approve the Audit Plan for Fiscal Year 2001; and

  • authorize contract renewal with Internal Auditor Russell Gregorczyk for FY 2001.

Chairman Pickett moved in the form of a committee report to approve the Audit Committee’s recommendations. Commission members voted in favor of all the recommendations.

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5. Report on the status of grants to El Paso Public Library.

Jeanette Larson reported that staff at the El Paso Public Library and the Texas Trans-Pecos Library System had substantially met the requirements of high risk status put in place during the July 24 Commission meeting. Ms. Larson recommended the Commission award the FY2001 system grant to the El Paso Public Library.

6. Approve acceptance of gifts greater than $500.

Peggy Rudd outlined the following two gifts for Commission approval:

The Talking Book Program received an unrestricted $1,500 donation deposited on May 15, 2000, from the Texas Federation of the Blind. The Federation is a non-profit organization "devoted to improving opportunities for blind people to become contributing members of society." The Dallas I Chapter, one of four chapters in Texas, made the donation.

The Archives and Information Services division received a donation of two Minolta 650Z microfilm reader printers on June 9, 2000, from IKON Office Solutions. The machines had been in use in the Genealogy department under a coin-op vending agreement with IKON, who recently discontinued this product line. The machines, originally listing for $12,000 each, are estimated to have a current value of $3,000 each.

Commissioner Melton moved to accept the gifts; Commissioner Pickett seconded. Motion passed.

7. Approve contracts greater than $100,000.

Peggy D. Rudd and Michael Piper outlined the following contracts and answered questions from the Commission:

  1. A renewal of the contract with the University of Texas at Austin for TexShare technical support services for the period September 1, 2000, through August 31, 2001, in the amount of $72,500;

  2. A renewal of the contract with Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. for the period August 1, 2000, through July 31, 2001, in the amount of $107,287.48, less a credit of $89,406.48, for a net price of $17,881.00;

  3. A contract with Gale Research for the period August 1, 2000, through July 31, 2001, in the amount of $1,100,000;

  4. A contract with NetLibrary for the period August 2000 through August 2001 in an amount up to $400,000 dependent on the number of books purchased and access fees;

  5. A renewal of the contract with Amigos Library Services for the period August 1, 2000, through July 31, 2001, in the amount of $252,910; and

  6. A renewal of the contract with Ovid Technologies, Inc. for the period August 1, 2000, through July 31, 2001, in the amount of $878,475.

After some discussion concerning the contracts, Commissioner Pickett moved to approve the contracts; Commissioner Melton seconded. Motion passed.

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8. Approve contracts and grants:

  1. Texas Library System

  2. Jeanette Larson reviewed the Texas Library System grants. Commissioner Pickett moved to approve the Texas Library System grants, with the Texas Trans-Pecos Library System grant contingent upon Mr. Gregorczyk’s follow-up audit in August 2000. Should Mr. Gregorczyk find any unanticipated problems during the audit, the Texas Trans-Pecos Library System grant would be reduced to 10% of the total grant amount until the problems are remedied and State Library staff returns to the Commission with a recommendation for full funding. The Texas Trans-Pecos Library System will retain its high-risk status until further review by the Commission. Commissioner Sanders seconded the motion. Motion passed.

  3. Technical Assistance Negotiated Grants

  4. Jeanette Larson reviewed the Technical Assistance Negotiated Grants. Commissioner Melton moved to approve the Technical Assistance Negotiated Grants, with the Texas Trans-Pecos Library System grant contingent upon Mr. Gregorczyk’s follow-up audit in August 2000. Should Mr. Gregorczyk find any unanticipated problems during the audit, the Texas Trans-Pecos Library System grant would be reduced to 10% of the total grant amount until the problems are remedied and State Library staff returns to the Commission with a recommendation for full funding. The Texas Trans-Pecos Library System will retain its high-risk status until further review by the Commission. Commissioner Pickett seconded the motion. Motion passed.

  5. Cooperation Grants

  6. Jeanette Larson reviewed the Cooperation Grants and answered questions from the Commission. Commissioner Melton moved to approve the Cooperation Grants; Commissioner Sanders seconded. Motion passed.

  7. Establishment Grants

  8. Jeanette Larson reviewed the Establishment Grants and answered questions from the Commission. Commissioner Carr moved to approve the Establishment Grants; Commissioner Sanders seconded. Motion passed.

  9. Special Projects Grants

  10. Jeanette Larson reviewed the Special Projects Grants and answered questions from the Commission. Commissioner Pickett moved to approve the Special Projects Grants; Commissioner Melton seconded. Commissioner Sanders abstained from voting due to her affiliation with Arlington Public Library, one of the grantees. Motion passed.

  11. Interlibrary Loan

  12. Michael Piper reviewed the Interlibrary Loan contracts with the nine TexNet Interlibrary Loan Centers. Commissioner Melton moved to approve the Interlibrary Loan contracts; Commissioner Pickett seconded. Motion passed.

    Mr. Piper also reviewed a contract with Amigos Library Services not to exceed $425,000 to provide OCLC computer network usage to support the Interlibrary Loan network. Commissioner Pickett moved to approve the Amigos contract; Commissioner Melton seconded. Motion passed.

  13. TexTreasures Grants

Michael Piper reviewed the TexTreasures Grants and answered questions from the Commission. Commissioner Sanders moved to approve the TexTreasures Grants; Commissioner Pickett seconded. Motion passed.

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9. Approve Legislative Appropriations Request for Fiscal Years 2002-2003.

Chairman Palmer made a public statement concerning the agency’s budget analyst from the Legislative Budget Board, Julie Horsley, who has worked with the Texas State Library and Archives Commission for the past few years. Ms. Horsley will be leaving the Legislative Budget Board. Chairman Palmer commended her for her service to the agency.

Commissioner Carr moved to take from the table agenda item number nine, "Approve Legislative Appropriations Request for Fiscal Years 2002-2003." Commissioner Pickett seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Ed Seidenberg discussed the Commission members’ individual priority rankings of the base budget and the exceptional item requests. The base budget ranking was as follows:

Strategy 1.1.2 (Texas Library System) 1
Indirect (Exec., Admin., IRT) 1
Strategy 1.1.4 (TexShare Library Consortium) 3
Strategy 1.1.1 (Library Resource Sharing) 4
Strategy 2.1.1 (Government Information) 5
Strategy 1.1.3 (Aid to Local Libraries) 6
Strategy 3.1.1 (Manage Records) 7
Strategy 1.2.1 (Disabled Services) 8

The exceptional item budget request ranking was as follows:

Strategy 1.1.3 (State Aid Grants) 1
Strategy 1.1.4 (Database funding) 2
Strategy 2.1.1 (Archival appraisal/digitization) 3
Strategy 1.2.1 (TBP staffing/public awareness) 4
Strategy 1.1.3 (Reading Program Grants) 5

Commissioner Carr moved to approve the priority rankings as tabulated by Mr. Seidenberg, with the amendment that "Indirect (Exec., Admin., IRT)" be moved to number one in the base budget, and "Strategy 1.1.2 (Texas Library System)" be moved to number two. Commissioner Pickett seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Commissioner Carr then moved to approve the agency’s base budget and exceptional item requests as presented by Ed Seidenberg for the Legislative Appropriations Request for FY2002-2003; Commissioner Brisack seconded. Motion passed.

10. Discuss and approve recommendations regarding Friends of Libraries and Archives of Texas.

Peggy D. Rudd outlined the action plan and timeline for organizing the Friends of Libraries and Archives of Texas. The Commission commended Ms. Rudd on the inclusive proposed plan. Chairman Palmer appointed Commissioner Melton as the Commission’s liaison to the Friends group. Commissioner Pickett moved to approve the proposed plan; Commissioner Carr seconded. Motion passed.

The Commission discussed and took action on agenda item numbers 11 and 12 together.

11. Authorize publication of proposal to repeal electronic records rules, 13 TAC §§6.91-6.99.

12. Authorize publication of new rule relating to the management of electronic records, 13 TAC §§6.91-6.96.

Michael Heskett answered questions from the Commission concerning the proposed repeal of the Electronic Records Rules and the publication of new rules. The Commission noted a few syntactical errors in the proposed rules.

After some discussion concerning the rules regarding transitory information, Commissioner Brisack moved to authorize the publication of the repeal of 13 TAC §§6.91-6.99 and the publication of new rule 13 TAC §§6.91-6.96; Commissioner Pickett seconded. Motion passed.

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13. Authorize publication of the proposal to amend TexShare administrative rules, 13 TAC §§8.1-8.6.

Michael Piper answered questions from the Commission concerning the amendment. Commissioner Brisack moved to authorize publication of amendments to TexShare administrative rules, 13 TAC §§8.1-8.6; Commissioner Sanders seconded. Motion passed.


14. Consider appeal of denial of contract amendment to the Austin Public Library.

Austin Public Library withdrew their appeal.


15. Status report on the Longview Public Library’s system membership.

Jeanette Larson reported that Longview Public Library Director Kara Spitz had applied to enter the Master of Library Science program at the University of North Texas to begin September 2, 2000. Courses will be delivered via distance education to the University of Texas at Tyler campus. Ms. Larson recommended the Commission continue the Longview Public Library’s probationary status membership in the Texas Library System for another year.

Commissioner Carr moved to continue the probationary status for another year, with the stipulation that should Ms. Spitz not get accepted into the program or not enroll, the Commission will consider this issue again at the September meeting; Commissioner Brisack seconded. Motion passed.

16. Public comment.

There was no public comment.

Chairman Palmer adjourned the meeting at 4:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy D. Rudd
Director and Librarian


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