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Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Monday, March 29, 1999

The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) met on Monday, March 29 at 11:00 a.m. Room 314 Lorenzo de Zavala State Archives and Library Building in Austin.

Members Present:
Carolyn Palmer Armstrong, Chairman
Kenneth Carr
Patrick Heath, Vice-Chair
Sandy Melton
Sandra Pickett
Marvin Rich

Members Absent: No members absent.

Staff Present:
Robert Martin, Director and Librarian
Raymond Hitt, Assistant State Librarian
Jenifer Flaxbart, Director, Talking Book Program
Michael Heskett, Director, State and Local Records Management
Jeanette Larson, Director, Library Development
Michael Piper, Director, Library Resource Sharing Division
Ed Seidenberg, Director, Administration
Carol Winship, Director, Technical Services Division
Nancy Webb, Public Information Officer
Patty Davis, Library Development
John Anderson, Archives Division
Michele Lamb, Executive Secretary

Guest Present: None

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Chairman Armstrong convened the meeting of the full Commission at 11:35 a.m.

1. Approve Minutes of the January 11, 1998 Commission meeting.

The following corrections were made to the January 11, minutes:

  • Page 2, number 2, 3rd bullet: Should read " Institute of Museum and Library Services" and "Library Services and Technology Act".
  • Page 2, number 2, 11th bullet: Should read "and a Talking Book Patron".
  • Page 4, number 11: Should read "with the substitution of $35,000 for $100,000".

Commissioner Heath moved to approve minutes as corrected. Commissioner Rich seconded the motion. Motion passed.

2. Report of the Director and Librarian.

Dr. Martin reported on the following topics.

Legislative Updates:

  • TexShare: HB1433 in House Calendars, awaiting scheduling.
  • SB692 scheduled to be heard in Education Committee.
  • Public Library Fund: HB1673 in House Calendars, awaiting scheduling.
  • SB691 is pending a hearing in Senate Finance Committee.
  • Electronic Filing: HB2262 was heard in County Affairs, reported favorably.
  • SB888 was heard in Intergovernmental Relations, reported favorably.
  • RMO’s: HB1085 on House Local and Consent Calendar.
  • SB1390 not yet scheduled.

Gates Foundation: TSLAC received word from the Gates Foundation that the agency’s application for a State Partnership Grant was approved. Official announcement will probably be in July. Implementation of the grant has been postponed until the spring of 2000 due to the pending change in the Director & Librarian position.

Director Activities: ALA Chicago, January 15-17; Gates Library Foundation, Seattle January 17-20; (TSLAC did not pay for travel for travel between January 15-20); ALA Midwinter and COSLA, January 26-February 3; Washington, Institute of Museum and Library Services, March 5; Shiner, TX, library dedication, March 14; Dallas, TexShare Board, March 22.

Commission Meeting Dates: May 17, July 12, September 13, and November 5. Additional meeting dates may be necessary during the Director and Librarian search.

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3. Approve contracts greater than $100,000.

There were no contracts presented for Commission approval.

4. Approve acceptance of gifts greater than $500.

Commissioner Rich moved to accept gifts to the Talking Book Program of $25,000, from the estate of Helen Kosack de Kanter. Commissioner Heath seconded the motion. Motion passed. See attached Acceptance of Gifts Greater than $500.00 document.

5. Discuss and approve recommendations of the Audit Committee on:

Internal Audit of the State and Local Records Division.
Commissioner Heath moved to approve the audit as recommended from the Audit Committee. Commissioner Rich seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Internal Audit of the El Paso Public Library.
Commissioner Carr removed his vote for this audit since it concerned his local library. Commissioner Heath moved to approve audit as recommended. Commissioner Pickett seconded the motion. Motion passed.

6. Discuss and approve re-adoption of existing administrative rules on County Librarian Certification, 13 TAC §§ 5.1-5.6.

Raymond Hitt stated that no comments were received regarding this item and requested that the Commission approve the re-adoption of this rule.

After a brief discussion, Commissioner Heath moved to approve the re-adoption. Commissioner Pickett seconded the motion. Motion passed.

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7. Discuss and approve publication of proposed review of existing administrative rules on library services for blind or physically handicapped individuals, 13 TAC §§9.1-9.21.

Raymond Hitt requested authorization to publish proposed rules.

Commissioner Heath approved publication of rules. Commissioner Carr seconded the motion. Motion passed.

8. Discuss and approve publication of proposed new administrative rules on certifying librarians, from other states, and on processing complaints about and by county librarians 13 TAC§§5.7-5.9.

Jeanette Larson requested authority to publish new rules on certification issues.

Commissioner Heath requested that the sequence of 5.9 be changed to (a), (c), (b) clarifying the procedure for an administrative hearing. Commissioner Carr suggested that in 5.9 (a) the word "is" be added before "revoked" and requested the word "their" in section 5.9 (c) be changed to "the."

Commissioner Heath approved for publication the new administrative rules as corrected. Commissioner Carr seconded the motion. Motion passed.

9. Discuss and approve publication of proposed amendments to administrative rules on Cash Reserves: Regional Library Systems, 13 TAC §1.64.

Jeanette Larson clarified the addition to the rules and requested authorization to publish.

Commissioner Melton moved to approve publication of amended rules as noted. Commissioner Pickett seconded the motion. Motion passed.

10. Discuss and approve publication of proposed amendments to administrative rules on Public Library: Local Government Support, 13 TAC §1.77.

Jeanette Larson stated that the proposed amendment adds public library tax districts as another form of local government support and requesting authorization to publish the rules.

Commissioner Carr moved to approve amendments to rules for publication to include public library tax districts. Commissioner Heath seconded the motion. Motion passed.

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11. Discuss and approve publication of proposed amendments to administrative rules on records retention schedules for state agencies, 13 TAC § §6.1-6.9.

Michael Heskett explained the necessity for changing the rules and requested authorization to publish rules as amended. Commissioner Heath and Commissioner Carr made minor corrections to terminology usage.

Commissioner Heath moved to approve amended rules for publication as noted. Commissioner Carr seconded the motion. Motion passed.

12. Approve sale of unwanted materials to the South Carolina State Museum.

John Anderson presented the South Carolina flag to the Commission. Robert Martin commented on the flag and the recommendation to sell the flag to South Carolina State Museum for $15,000.

After a brief discussion Commissioner Carr moved to approve the sale of the flag to the South Carolina State Museum. Commissioner Pickett seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Chairman Armstrong adjourned the Commission for lunch at 1:15 p.m.

Chairman Armstrong reconvened the Commission meeting at 2:10 p.m.

13. Discuss TexShare grant procedures.

Robert Martin explained on the grant procedures and clarified the process for the Commission.

14. Discuss and approve proposed guidelines on Commission Travel.

Robert Martin discussed the travel projections and the travel cap. He presented possible guidelines for budgeting and procedures for Commission travel.

After a brief discussion the Commission agreed to propose a Commission Travel Budget for FY 2000. The Director and Librarian travel budget will be separate from the Commission travel budget.

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15. Discuss and make decisions concerning the Director and Librarian search.

(The following items are recorded in the order they were discussed.)

c. Discuss and approve job description.

Ed Seidenberg explained the differences between the two job description documents.

After discussion, Commissioner Heath moved to approve the Director and Librarian Job Description Draft from 2-19-99, with the addition of the Task Statement to the documentation and with corrections noted, as the official job description. Commissioner Carr seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Commissioner Melton moved to amend the approved job description document by adding "and Requirements" to the title. Commissioner Rich seconded the motion. Motion passed.

d. Discuss and appoint Advisory Committee.

After a brief discussion and Commission agreement on panel size and diversity of the advisory group, the following individuals were selected to be asked to serve on the advisory committee:

  • Ruth Dahlstrom, Education Service Center #3, Victoria
  • Barbara A. B. Gubbin, Director, Houston Public Library, Houston
  • Teresa Morales, Records Management Officer, Comptroller of Public Accounts, Austin
  • Robert Seal, Librarian, Mary Couts Burnett Library, Texas Christian University, Ft. Worth
  • Patricia Smith, Director, Texas Library Association, Austin
  • Curtis Tunnell, recently retired Executive Director, Texas Historical Commission, Austin

(The Commission went into informal discussion for the remainder of Item 15 concerning the following:)

a. Discuss and establish timelines and schedules.

b. Discuss and establish general procedures.

  • Review and revise as needed Commission meeting schedule.

The Commission agreed on the following:

  • Advertisement for Director and Librarian published the first week in April.
  • Establish interview selection criteria before reviewing applications. Articulate criteria for application selection, establish interview questions, and a calendar of events for candidates at the next Commission meeting with the Advisory Committee on Monday, May 17.
  • The Commission requested that Ed Seidenberg screen all applicants. He will also mail qualified candidates’ minimized materials to the Commission and the Advisory Committee. Applications that are not entirely clear regarding qualifications will be forwarded to the Commissioners. Each application will be numbered. Application packets will be mailed once a week every week in May.
  • The schedule for the interviews will be posted on the TLSAC web site and expressed in a letter to all applicants.
  • The Commission and the Advisory Committee will meet on June 7 in Executive Session to review applications and select which applicants to interview. The Commission will then meet in general session and announce candidates. June 17 was chosen as the alternative date to meet.

16. Public Comment.

There was no public comment.

With no further business Chairman Armstrong adjourned ending the meeting at 4:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Robert S. Martin
Director and Librarian

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