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Resources for Librarians

Library Development Resources

The CREW Method: Expanded Guidelines for Collection Evaluation and Weeding for Small and Medium-Sized Public Libraries, Revised and Updated by Belinda Boon. 1995.
This manual will guide public and school libraries in the evaluation and weeding of collections by the CREW method. CREW guidelines are presented by Dewey class.

Statewide job opportunities for librarians. Includes a list of recent postings, details for each job, and instructions for posting a position.

Joint TSLAC/TLA Task Force on Library Districts
Information regarding the task force created to review and evaluate the current library district law and how it is meeting the needs of current library districts.

Joint Use School/Public Libraries in Texas: Building 21st Century Libraries (.doc file)
Report on joint use school/public libraries in Texas conducted by Mary Lankford in 2006, and Handbook for Planning Joint Use School/Public Libraries. Download a free Microsoft Word viewer.

Library Development Staff Directory
E-mail and phone numbers for all staff in the Library Development Division.

Library Development Continuing Education and Consulting Directory
E-mail, phone numbers, and areas of specialization for all members of the continuing education and consulting staff.

Library Developments Newsletter
Get connected with news, opportunities, and programs for Texas libraries. Published bi-monthly. Available online only.

Library Laws of Texas
Compilation of Texas statutes relating to libraries and topics of interest to librarians through the 79th Legislature, Third Called Session, 2006, with an index to key statutes.

County Librarian Certification
On May 25, 2007, Governor Rick Perry signed into law S.B. 913, the sunset legislation that reestablishes the Texas State Library and Archives Commission for twelve years, through 2019. One of the key provisions of S.B. 913 eliminates the agency's certification of county librarians. The State Library no longer has the authority to certify county librarians and we are no longer issuing certificates effective immediately. If you have any questions please contact Deborah Littrell, deborah.littrell@tsl.state.tx.us, 512-463-5456.

Library Science Collection
Search the library catalog of seven Texas State Agencies, information about the TSL Library Science Collection (including hours, location, services, and a listing of subscriptions to over 120 journal titles in library and information science.

Outcome-Based Evaluation
Outcome-Based Evaluation (OBE) is a systematic method of assessing the extent to which a program has achieved its intended result. It answers two important questions: “How has my program made a difference for my target audience” and “How are program participants better off as a result of experiencing my program.” Included on this page is a link to handouts on OBE from the Viburnum Literacy Conference, as well as links to other OBE resources for libraries.

Professional Library Resources
Links to professional organizations, publications, and discussion lists related to Library Science.

Public Library Advisory Board Handbook
This handbook for public library advisory board members in Texas, serves as a tool kit to help the advisory board member in their efforts to achieve high quality library services. Copies in print format may be requested for each member of the library board, the librarian and city officials in Texas as needed. Request multiple copies by E-mail to lsc@tsl.state.tx.us or call the Library Science Collection toll-free 800-252-9386.

Public Library Building Consultants
The names listed represent librarians in Texas with experience in public library building and space planning.

Selecting and Using a Core-Reference Collection, Fourth Edition
This manual by Margaret Irby Nichols will assist libraries in providing quality reference service and in the selection, acquisition, and use of a core-reference collection. This edition lists and describes print and electronic materials. A “core-reference collection” is identified here as a small number of print sources that will meet the basic needs of libraries of all sizes.

Special Populations
A collection of helpful resources addressing library services for special populations including multicultural, literacy, senior citizens, and the disabled.

Texas Academic Library Statistics
Statistics for four-year public institutions, four-year private institutions, two-year institutions, and medical/law institutions.

Texas Government on the Web [Not available until further notice.]
Provides an overview of the structure of Texas government, identifies and describes Texas government information that is available on the Internet, and provides a means of accessing this information by subject.

Texas Information Resources
A guide to Texas-related sources of information, including: history, culture, geography, state agencies, and more. Lists books, telephone numbers, and electronic addresses.

The Texas Public Library Development Study
Developing Texas Public Libraries for the 21st century. The Himmel and Wilson study completed in 2003; see also the work of the two joint TSLAC/TLA taskforces that followed the study.

Texas Public Library Standards
Adopted by the Texas Library Association Council July 13, 2004, and adopted by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission August 2, 2004.

Web Site Statistics for Library Development Division
Monthly access statistics for the LD webpages, including resources accessed, visitors, activity, technical statistics, and more.

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Library Systems Documents

Library Systems Act and Rules for Administering
Links to PDF and text version of Government Code that defines the Library Systems Act.

Public Library Directory and Statistics
Statistics submitted by public libraries in Texas can be searched by city, library, or county; or downloaded and imported into a spreadsheet or database.

Analytical tables and statistical summaries:

State Plan for the Library Services and Technology Act in TexasNew!
State Plan for Library Services and Technology Act (FY2008-FY2012), State Plan for Library Services and Technology Act (FY2003-FY2007), State Plan for Library Services and Technology Act (FY1998-FY2002), Evaluation Study of FY1998-FY2002 Texas Plan, and Evaluation Study if FY2003-FY2007 Texas Plan.

System Orientation Manual
Basic information about the Texas Library System, including the history of the systems, key principles of system management, and a timeline for annually and biennially recurring system activities.

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Library Technology

25% Information Sharing Discounts - HB2128
Myths and reality about the 25% discount that all telephone companies must provide on any tariffed voice or data service which is used at least 50% for "information sharing." Please see also our Funding page for telecommunications discounts available in Texas, as well as further information on other types of grants.

Computer and Network Security in Small Libraries: A Guide for Planning
A good overview of the management issues related to network security: analyzing risk, developing a security plan and policy, funding requirements libraries can expect in operating their networks, and implementing adequate security.

Distance Learning in Libraries
Covers videoconferencing, web-based training, and supporting distance learning from your library. Provides a list of resources.

Library Automation Standards and Guidelines
This document addresses a variety of issues in the area of library automation: system modules, remote access, imaging, full-text document management, and more.

Vendor/Service Provider Lists: these lists have been compiled to assist libraries in researching automation products and in contacting vendors and service providers. The following lists are available:

Wireless Community Networks
Provides a good introduction to networks in general, and then introduces the concepts related to wireless networks, with examples of configurations and prices, standards, and more.

Z Texas Profile
Information about the Texas Z39.50 Implementors Group (TZIG) activities and committee-created documents.

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Youth Services

Adopt a Bunny
Online version of the read-aloud program initiated by Rosemary Wells.

Digame un Cuento/Tell Me a Story: Bilingual Library Programs for Children and Families
This manual is a compilation of the Bilingual Programs Chapters from To the Library and Beyond! 2001 Texas Reading Club Manual and Read Across Texas! 2002 Texas Reading Club Manual.

El día de los niños / El día de los libros
A celebration of childhood and bilingual literacy: activities, bookmarks, lists of resources, and original audio files of popular childrens' songs in Spanish.

Marketing the Texas Reading Club: A Guide for Youth Services Specialists
The purpose of the Marketing the Texas Reading Club manual is to maximize intellectual input and creative response while planning the Summer Reading Club. The marketing focus outlined in this manual will help customize the Reading Club for the community while keeping the children the focal point of library efforts.

No Limits: READ! Young Adult Reading Club and Programming Manual
This manual provides strategies for developing young adult collections, outlines a reading club designed specifically for young adults, suggests promotional ideas for the young adult reading club and young adult programming in general, and provides age-appropriate ideas for both formal and passive programming.

Public Library - Head Start Partnerships for Early Childhood Education and Family Literacy
There is a natural partnership between public libraries and child care centers. Both are vitally concerned with the education and well-being of young children and both have missions to support early childhood education. Collaborations between public libraries, Head Start agencies, and child care centers, support rich early childhood learning experiences and promote family literacy.

Read to Your Bunny
A packet of materials produced by Rosemary Wells, including poster images, and text from the manual.

Science Extravaganzas! Librarian-Tested, Librarian Approved
by Janice VanCleave

Texas Reading Club
Information about the reading club, the artwork, and promotion activities; with an audio file of the TRC theme song and links to other web resources.

Texas Reading Club Manuals Cumulative Index 1986-1998
by Linda Webster with Alana Cash

Texas Teens Read! New!
Information about the teen reading club, the artwork, and promotion activities; with links to other web resources.

Young Adult Library Services, Collections, and Programs
Links to professional resources for librarians serving young adults and to web pages for teens hosted by Texas Libraries.

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School Libraries

School Library Programs: Standards and Guidelines for Texas
Texas Administrative Code, Title 13. Cultural Resources
Part I. Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Chapter 4. School Library Programs
§ 4.1
The Texas State Library and Archives Commission is directed to develop voluntary School Library Standards in Education Code 33.021. Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 260, § 1, eff. May 30, 1995.

Texas School Libraries: Standards, Resources, Services, and Students' Performances
The report of the Texas Study, “Texas School Libraries: Standards Resources, Services and Students' Performance”, is now available. The study had three objectives. (1) Examine school library resources, services, and use, on the basis of the School Library Programs: Standards and Guidelines for Texas and determine the need for updating these standards and guidelines so that they better serve communities across the State. (2) Determine the impact that school libraries have on student performance as measured by the percent of students who met minimum expectations on the reading portion of the statewide standardized test, the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS). (3) Highlight library practices in the best performing schools.

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