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Medical Transportation Program FAQs

  Q:  Who is eligible for Medical Transportation services?
  Q:  How do recipients obtain MTP services?
  Q:  Can a parent bring her/his child's siblings along on the trip to the health-care provider?
  Q:  What if the recipient is unable to travel without someone to ride along and help?
  Q:  Are children eligible for an attendant to accompany them?
  Q:  If a recipient requests MTP services, is the recipient's request and any personal data shared with MTP staff confidential?
  Q:  Can recipients have a relative, friend, or neighbor transport them in their private vehicle and the driver be reimbursed by MTP for the expense?
  Q:  Can a non-profit organization, health-care provider, or other service organization or association become an Individual Driver Registrant?
  Q:  Can a recipient who has a car, but cannot afford to buy the gas necessary for the trip, still receive MTP assistance?
  Q:  Can a recipient receive prior authorization for more than one trip in the same call?
  Q:  Can recipients receive transportation in a vehicle other than a bus or van if their medical condition requires it?
  Q:  If a physician refers the recipient for care to another provider located outside the recipient's local area, across the state, or outside the state, does MTP assist?
  Q:  If a family needs medical care the next day, can MTP help?
  Q:  If recipients required medical equipment or assistance from medical personnel during their trip that requires an ambulance, will MTP transport them?
  Q:  How does non-profit, for-profit, or other service organization become an MTP contractor?

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