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DSHS Substance Abuse Services

Current Initiatives

  • Texas Recovery Initiative
    The Mental Health and Substance Abuse division of the Department of State Health Services is pleased to introduce our latest collaborative effort, The Texas Recovery Initiative, (TRI). We will be joining with our partners including the treatment and recovery communities to discuss our adult services for persons seeking to find and continue their recovery. Learn more »

  • Texas Receives Second Access To Recovery (ATR) Grant
    The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA) awarded approximately $13.5 million over the next three years for the Access to Recovery II Grant (ATR II). In Texas, the ATR II program will offer to partner with one or more drug courts in select counties to provide services for substance abusing and dependent Texans in the criminal justice system. ATR II will also enhance the faith and community-based components of ATR. In addition, ATR II will include treatment and recovery support to methamphetamine abusers without regard to drug court involvement.

    DSHS will be making decisions soon on how we will implement the grant. Additional information can be found at the SAMHSA website.

  • Texas Mental Health and Substance Abuse Crisis Services Redesign
    The 80th Legislature appropriated $82 million for the FY 08-09 biennium. Guided by the Legislature and in response to Rider 69, these funds will allow the state to make significant progress toward improving the response to mental health and substance abuse crises. The first phase of implementation will focus on ensuring statewide access to competent rapid response services, avoidance of hospitalization and reduction in the need for transportation.

  • Clinical Management for Behavioral Health Services (CMBHS)
    The purpose of this project is to develop an integrated clinical management system for behavioral health care (mental health and substance abuse) services at DSHS. Our focus is to respond to the needs of the behavioral health community in providing a holistic approach to mental health and substance abuse services.

  • Call for Presentations for the 2008 Texas Behavorial Health Institute
    Under the theme, “Knowledge in the Neighborhood: Partnerships to Healthy Communities,” the 2008 Institute seeks to increase mental health and substance abuse prevention and treatment knowledge and skills to support healthy communities. DSHS invites proposals for conference sessions and for pre- and post- meeting workshops. The submission deadline is December 14, 2007.

Current Reports and Publications

  • Substance Abuse Trends in Texas (PDF)
    Published June 2007.

  • 2005 Texas Survey of Substance Use Among College Students (PDF, 219 KB)
    This report presents main findings of the 2005 survey of substance use and related behaviors among college and university students in Texas. Alcohol is the most often used substance on college campuses, and it is the substance most associated with problems. Published April 2007.

  • 2007 Drug Demand Reduction Advisory Committee (DDRAC) ReportExecutive Summary
    This report to Governor Rick Perry reviews progress coordinating the strategy, status, and funding of state programs relating to drug demand reduction, and recommendations for legislation to address reducing drug demand. The 2005 DDRAC Report and 2003 DDRAC Report are also available.

  • Notable Substance Abuse Issues for 2007, a presentation by Dave Wanser, Ph.D., to the Association of Substance Abuse Professionals. (January 22, 2007; MS PowerPoint, 53 KB)

  • Behavioral Health NEWS BRIEF
    Informing policy and practice in mental health and substance abuse services through data.

  • Texas School Survey of Substance Use Among Students
    Adolescent Substance Use in Texas (PDF, 53 K)
    The data presented in this article are based on self-reports of secondary school students sampled in the 2006 Texas School Survey of Substance Use. Alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana were the most widely used substances by young people in Texas. About 48% of adolescents used either alcohol, tobacco, inhalants, or illicit drugs during the past school year. Previous Texas School Survey information may be found on our reports page.

Featured Resources

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Information Center

Mental Health and Substance Abuse (MHSA) Training and Technical Assistance

  • The mission of this unit is to build the professional capacity of individuals and organizations in the field in order to deliver quality services more successfully, and increase staff effectiveness. Learn more »

FY 2007 Contract Closeout Information

  • FY07 Contract Closeout Forms are due by November 30, 2007. Please read the FY07 Closeout Transmittal Letter and FY07 Closeout Packet Instructions. Submit completed closeout documents to your assigned Contract Fiscal Manager.

Contract Renewal Information

  • FY2008 Contract Renewal Packet Forms were due to DSHS by April 20, 2007. Completed renewal forms may be e-mailed earlier than the due date and will be reviewed and processed as received. Please contact your assigned Contract Manager with any questions regarding this renewal. E-mail the completed documents to substance.abuse.contracts@dshs.state.tx.us

Access to Care

  • An initiative of the American Red Cross Hurricane Recovery Program, Access to Care is designed to help those directly affected by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma obtain mental health and substance abuse services. Enrollment can be initiated by case managers, agencies, or by individuals, and is open to citizens of all states.
  • Additional information and resources for mental health and substance abuse service providers who are working with evacuees.


  • Prevention Evaluation: Youth Programs
    Youth prevention programs are required to report evaluation data quarterly using the Curriculum Outcome Measures Report available in BHIPS. To complete the report, providers need to implement the evaluation plan designed by the DSHS prevention program evaluator for each curriculum. Questions about the evaluation plans should be directed to Martin Arocena at 512/206-5809. Some of the evaluation plans used during FY04 have been modified.

Rules and Guidelines


Last Updated November 8, 2007

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