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Urbanized Transit Systems

Federal Transit Authorities Section 5307 Program


The goal of the Small Urban Public Transportation (Section 5307 Governor's Apportionment) Grant Program is to enhance the mobility of people in urbanized areas. Currently, there are 29 urban operators providing transportation in areas with populations between 50,000 to 200,000 people. (McAllen and Arlington, both over 200,000 population, are also included because they are eligible for state funds).


Urban transit systems in Texas receive funding from a variety of sources, including the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5307 and 5309 grants, state grants, farebox, and local revenues such as advertising, contracts, and city general revenue funds.

Federal and state funds are available to urbanized areas for capital, planning, and operating assistance purposes. Capital funds are available for a wide range of capital assistance activities and maintenance items, including buses and bus facilities, fixed guide-way system projects, technology introductions, and innovative techniques and methods. Planning funds are available for the planning, engineering design, evaluation of public transportation projects, and other technical studies. Allowable operating expenses are limited to direct labor, materials, and overhead expenses incurred by the transit operator.

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