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Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program

Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program LogoGeneral Information

The Texas Department of Transportation is the agency responsible for the administration of the Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program. Transportation enhancements are provided under the federal transportation legislation, the Safe, Accountable, Flexible and the Efficient-Transportation equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). The program includes transportation-related activities that contribute to the livelihood of communities, promote the quality of our environment and enhance the aesthetics of our roadways.

The goal of the program is to encourage diverse modes of travel, increase the community benefits to transportation investment, strengthen partnerships between State and local governments and promote citizen involvement in transportation decisions.

Program Information

The Transportation Enhancement Program is a statewide competitive program and is administered in accordance with applicable federal and state rules and regulations. The funds provided by this program are on a cost reimbursement basis and not considered a grant. Projects undertaken with enhancement funds are eligible for reimbursement of up to 80% of allowable costs. The governmental entity nominating a project is responsible for the remaining cost share, including all cost overruns.

To be eligible for consideration, all projects must demonstrate a relationship to the surface transportation system through either function or impact, go above and beyond standard transportation activities; and incorporate one of the following 12 categories:

  • Provision of facilities for pedestrians and bicycles
  • Provision of safety and education activities for pedestrian and bicyclist
  • Acquisition of scenic easements and scenic and historic properties
  • Scenic or historic highway programs (including providing tourist and welcome center facilities)
  • Landscaping and other scenic beautification
  • Historic preservation
  • Rehabilitation and operation of historic transportation buildings, structures, or facilities (including historic railroad facilities and canals)
  • Preservation of abandoned railway corridors (including the conversion and use for pedestrian and bicycle facilities)
  • Control and removal of outdoor advertising
  • Archaeological planning and research
  • Environmental mitigation to address water pollution due to highway runoff or reduce vehicle-caused wildlife mortality while maintaining habitat connectivity
  • Establishment of transportation museums

TxDOT Enhancement Program Contacts

You are encouraged to contact your TxDOT District Enhancement Coordinator early in the nomination process. Based on the proposed project's location, please refer to this web page to determine the TxDOT district office of responsibility. Once you know which district to contact, please refer to the TxDOT Enhancement Coordinator Contact List [pdf, 1 page, 37kb].

The 2006 Program Call has been suspended.

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