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Texas Aviation Advisory Committee

The Texas Aviation Advisory Committee provides input to TxDOT on its aviation development programs and serves as its representative among aviation users. Committee members also work with members of the Texas Legislature on various aviation issues.

Current Members:

  • James E. Schwertner, Jr., Chairman
  • Gordon B. Richardson, Vice Chairman
  • Joe Crawford
  • Greg Jones
  • Peter C. Huff
  • Robert H. Bruce

James E. Schwertner, Jr., Chairman

James E. Schwertner, Jr. began his career at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas, and graduated with a bachelor of science degree in Agriculture Economics in 1975. His aviation career includes a private multi engine pilot’s license with instrument rating since 1967. He also established the Aviation World Speed Record in a Piper Navajo on Nov. 21, 1987. He serves as president and CEO of Schwertner Farms, Inc. and Capitol Land and Livestock of Schwertner, Texas. He also serves as Chairman of the Board of Schwertner State Bank, Schwertner, Texas and past Chairman of the Board of Cattleman’s State Bank, Austin, Texas. Mr. Schwertner was appointed to the Advisory Committee on August 29, 2002, and his term will expire on August 31, 2008.

Gordon B. Richardson, Vice Chairman

Mr. Gordon B. Richardson, of Caldwell, Texas, began his career as an insurance agent with a business established in 1967. He has achieved Chartered Life Underwriter and Accredited Estate Planner designations as well as numerous insurance industry awards. Richardson’s aviation career began in 1971 as a pilot and includes service as a member of the Seaplane Pilots Association, the Experimental Aircraft Association Warbird Community, the Commemorative Air Force and Flying Vintage Aircraft with 3,000 hours as a pilot. Mr. Richardson was appointed to the Advisory Committee on August 29, 2002, and his term will expire on August 31, 2008.

Joe Crawford

Mr. Crawford, president of Abilene Aero earned a bachelor’s of business administration degree from Baylor University in 1979. He has owned and operated several businesses in Abilene throughout the years. He has devoted many years to civic duty in the community demonstrated through his affiliations with the board of directors of First National Bank, Abilene Chamber of Commerce, Abilene Industrial Foundation, Hendrick Health Care Systems and Hendrick Home for Children, Baylor University Business School, Development Corporation of Abilene, and United Way. Mr. Crawford was appointed to the Advisory Committee on February 26, 2004, and his term will expire on August 31, 2009.

Greg Jones

Mr. Jones, a commercial pilot earned a bachelor’s of science degree in geography from the University of New Mexico in 1992. Mr. Jones’ flying experience began during his college years when he earned a commercial pilot certificate and worked flying cargo out of Albuquerque. He worked as a pilot for the Rick Perry campaigns during the 1990’s. He has flown for Vanguard Airlines and currently flies for Southwest Airlines. Mr. Jones was appointed to the Advisory Committee on February 26, 2004, and his term will expire on August 31, 2009.

Peter C. Huff

Mr. Huff is an accomplished general aviation pilot holding a Commercial Pilot Certificate and Instrument Rating. He is a graduate of Rice University with bachelor degrees in liberal arts and engineering. He was active in student politics and was elected president of the student body his senior year. After graduating from Harvard Business School in 1962, he returned to Texas to build his own engineering and manufacturing company. After some 36 years of growth, he sold DYNAMCO to a New York Stock Exchange Company and has since chosen to serve the people in his community and in Texas. Mr. Huff also has flown into literally hundreds of airports over the USA. He built his own plane and in 1995, flew it to Europe where he not only conducted international business, but became a focal point of aviation in Canada, England, Holland, Germany, France, Switzerland and Portugal. Mr. Huff has been a member of the former McKinney Municipal Airport Board for many years as well as serving as Chairman. The board has been instrumental in gaining the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and TxDOT grant money as well as the City of McKinney funding which enabled McKinney Municipal Airport to grow from 4,000 feet to 7,000 feet. Mr. Huff was appointed to the Texas Aviation Advisory Committee on September 30, 2004, and his term will expire on August 31, 2010.

Robert H. Bruce

Mr. Bruce began his career in broadcast engineering and production following service in the U.S. Army Signal Corps. After study at the University of Texas in Austin and graduation from Elkins Institute, he founded United Audio Recording Studios in San Antonio. Mr. Bruce served on the board of the San Antonio Advertising Federation and taught audio production at Trinity University. Ultimately, he pursued a career in the aviation industry, earning his commercial and instrument single/multi-engine aircraft ratings and designation as a certified flight instructor in gliders. On July 4, 1984, he established the Boerne Stage Airfield which he continues to own and operate today. A 5000 hour pilot, Mr. Bruce served on San Antonio’s Chamber Aviation Advisory Committee. He is a member of the National Business Aviation Association, the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, the Experimental Aircraft Association, and is a life member of the Soaring Society of America. Mr.Bruce was appointed to the Texas Aviation Advisory Committee on August 23, 2007, and his term will expire on August 31, 2010.

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