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Recruitment Programs

TxDOT aggressively recruits qualified students and potential employees. Our recruitment programs will help you gain valuable work experience.

  • College Co-op Education – Students are employed by TxDOT in positions related to their major field of study. Academic credit for work experience is awarded based on institution Co-op policy.
  • College Intern – Introduces college and graduate students to career opportunities in transportation-related fields. Academic credit for work experience awarded based on institution intern policy.
  • Conditional Grant Program – Qualified students who attend a four-year Texas public college and major in a department-approved field can receive up to $6,000 a year.
  • High School Cooperative Education – High school students can attend class for a half day and work a half day. The program is geared toward office work and various career opportunities.
  • Summer Employment – Summer positions are available from May 1-August 15. Students may apply as early as February.
  • Temporary Recruitment – We hire qualified individuals on a temporary basis for non-supervisory positions and encourage them to compete for regular full-time positions.

For more information on these programs, please call Human Resources at (512) 416-2994.

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