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Natural Gas Transportation

Standards for Pipeline Data Submission


Please Note: Requirements for submitting a Metadata File are the same for both “Digital” and “Hard Copy” Submissions.

Metadata - Descriptive information about how the data was generated. For Example:   
Contact Information
Data Accuracy
Data Sources
Data Timeliness

Metadata FileRequired by the RRC for TPMS and by the Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) for NPMS.  For NPMS’ Metadata Template: Go to

The RRC requires Metadata from BOTH Intrastate and Interstate pipeline operators, regardless of whether their permits are Jurisdictional or Non-jurisdictional.   Only one metadata file per OPS_ID.   OPS ID - Number assigned by OPS to one pipeline operator

NPMS Site: Search for OPS_ID:

If the search tool does not provide you an OPS ID, and you operate regulated pipelines then contact the Office of Pipeline Safety at (202) 366-4554. If OPS informs an operator that they are not required to have an OPS ID then the operator must acquire RRC’s version of NPMS’ Metadata Template, which provides a generic ID. The RRC version of the Metadata Template can be downloaded from RRC’s FTP site. However, in order to download files, an FTP Account is needed.  See Steps to Setup FTP Account (PDF file 29K)

RRC’s version of the Metadata Template is also available on CD upon request. Please Note: The Metadata Template on the FTP site and on the CD is the same file, however the instructions on how to setup the Metadata Template are different.  

FTP Option for RRC’s version of the Metadata Template:

Once an FTP account has been acquired, follow these 4 steps to setup RRC’s version of NPMS’ Metadata Template:

A.  Before downloading files, make a new directory called c:\npms_software.

B.  Using the pipeout username, download the file from the   pl_cd directory on our FTP site and save the files in c:\ npms_software.

C.  Use WinZip to unzip to c:\npms_software.  If you do not have an un-zip program, winzip.exe is available on RRC’s FTP site under pl_cd.

D.  Once unzipping is complete, open Meta_Install.doc for further instructions. 

CD Option for RRC’s version of the Metadata Template:

Follow these 4 steps to setup RRC’s version of NPMS’ Metadata Template from the CD:

A.  First, make a new directory called c:\npms_software.

B.  Copy the file from the CD to c:\npms_software.

C. Use WinZip to unzip to c:\npms_software.  If you do not have an un-zip program, and downloading a file is not an option than the RRC can provide winzip.exe (a free software download) upon request.p>

D.  Once unzipping is complete, open Meta_Install.doc for further instructions. 

Note: The RRC does not promote or recommend winzip or any other specific zip/unzip program; the RRC is merely sharing freeware.

Next go to How to Submit Data

| Data Submission Flowchart | T-4 Permitting | Digital Submissions | Hard Copy Submissions | Metadata | How to Submit Data | Submission Checklist |

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