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Policy Circulars and Bulletins

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The Texas Health and Human Services Commission uses a series of circulars and bulletins to communicate new or modified policies and procedures to all health and human services departments.

Circulars: The executive commissioner issues circulars to communicate policies of a continuing nature and to require compliance with these policies and procedures. A circular remains in effect until repealed or revised. Circulars are identified by the letter "C" and a number assigned chronologically. For example, C-009 refers to the ninth circular issued to date. Revised circulars are issued using the same number and a revision date.

Bulletins: The executive commissioner issues bulletins when the subject matter requires one-time action or is of limited duration. Bulletins are issued in fiscal year series and numbered in chronological order. The first two numbers will indicate the fiscal year in which the bulletin is issued. For example, B-05-001 refers to the first bulletin issued in fiscal year 2005. Revised bulletins are issued using the same number and a revision date.


Last Updated: May 29, 2007

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