TCO | OCA | JCIT | Electronic Filing Standards and Guidelines

Standards and Guidelines

Judicial Committee on Information Technology

Affidavit of Indigency in Civil Cases [doc]
Approved by the JCIT December 12, 2003

Electronic Filing Document Format Standards [pdf]
Approved by the JCIT June 28, 2002

Electronic Filing Data Interface Standards [pdf]
Approved by the JCIT June 28, 2002

Information Technology Standards Adoption Process [pdf]
Approved by the JCIT December 14, 2001

Judicial Standards for Information Security and Protection
Approved by the JCIT December 14, 2001

Judicial Standards for Website Presentation and Content
Approved by the JCIT December 14, 2001

Civil Case Processing System Functional Standards [pdf]
Approved by JCIT June 8, 2001; Joint project of Conference of State Court Administrators, The Consortium for National Case Management Automation Functional Standards, and National Center for State Courts

E-mail User-id and Domain Naming Standards
Approved by the JCIT June 8, 2001; Reviewed and re-approved by JCIT December 8, 2006; Standards Review and Recommendation Publication Issued by the Department of Information Resources

Proposed Standards

In accordance with the JCIT standards adoption process, proposed standards are posted for review and comments for a 60-day period before being considered by the Judicial Committee on Information Technology.

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Updated: 18-Dec-2006

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