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Sec. 1702.201. PERSONAL PROTECTION OFFICER AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED. A commissioned security officer may not act as a personal protection officer unless the officer holds a personal protection officer authorization.

Sec. 1702.202. PERSONAL PROTECTION OFFICER. An individual acts as a personal protection officer if the individual:

(1) has been issued a security officer commission to carry a concealed firearm; and
(2) provides to an individual personal protection from bodily harm.

Sec. 1702.203. APPLICATION FOR PERSONAL PROTECTION OFFICER AUTHORIZATION. An applicant for a personal protection officer authorization must submit a written application on a form prescribed by the commission.

Sec. 1702.204. PERSONAL PROTECTION OFFICER AUTHORIZATION; QUALIFICATIONS. (a) An applicant for a personal protection officer authorization must be at least 21 years of age and must provide:

(1) a certificate of completion of the basic security officer training course;

(2) proof that the applicant:

(A) has been issued a security officer commission;

(B) is employed at the time of application by an investigations company or guard company licensed by the commission; and

(C) has completed the required training in non-lethal self-defense or defense of a third person; and

(3) proof of completion and the results of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory psychological testing.

(b) The commission by rule shall require an applicant for a personal protection officer authorization to complete the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory test. The commission may use the results of the test to evaluate the applicant's psychological fitness.

A. An applicant for Personal Protection Authorization shall:

1. Submit a written application for a personal protection authorization on a form prescribed by the Commission;
2. Be at least 21 years of age;
3. Have a valid Security Officer Commission issued prior to applying for a personal protection authorization;
4. Submit proof that the applicant has successfully completed the Personal Protection Officer Course taught by a Commission approved Personal Protection Officer Instructor; and
5. Submit proof of completion of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory test or equivalent (Proof of completion of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory test shall be in the form of the Commission approved Declaration of Psychological and Emotional Health and shall be signed by a licensed psychologist).

B. A personal protection officer may transfer his registration as a personal protection officer to another employer if:

1. The personal protection officer has transferred his security officer commission to the new employer; and
2. Submits the appropriate form and transfer fee to the Commission's Austin office within in 14 days of the transfer of employment to the new employer.

Sec. 1702.130. USE OF CERTAIN TITLES, UNIFORMS, INSIGNIA, OR IDENTIFICATIONS PROHIBITED. (a) A license holder, or an officer, director, partner, manager, or employee of a license holder, may not:

(1) use a title, an insignia, or an identification card, wear a uniform, or make a statement with the intent to give an impression that the person is connected with the federal government, a state government, or a political subdivision of a state government; or
(2) use a title, an insignia, or an identification card or wear a uniform containing the designation "police."

(b) Subsection (a) does not prohibit a commissioned security officer employed by a political subdivision of this state from using a title, insignia, or identification card, wearing a uniform, or making a statement indicating the employment of that individual by the political subdivision.


Personal Protection Officer employers shall:

A. Issue the Personal Protection Officer authorization pocket card issued by the Commission to the Personal Protection Officer when received from the Commission and affix a color photograph to the pocket card;

B. Maintain on file for Commission inspection, contracts for Personal Protection Officer services; And

C. Maintain current records on all persons issued a personal protection authorization on file for Commission inspection. The records shall contain:

a. Current residence of personal protection officer.
b. The personal protection officer's name, address and telephone number;
D. Upon receipt of a subpoena, provide:

a. The name of the client being protected and contract information; and
b. The hours and dates of duty assignment.

Sec. 1702.205. PERSONAL PROTECTION OFFICER TRAINING. (a) The commission shall establish a 15-hour course for a personal protection officer consisting of training in non-lethal self-defense or defense of a third person.

(b) The training required by this section is in addition to the basic training course for security officers.

Sec. 1702.206. CONCEALED FIREARMS. An individual acting as a personal protection officer may not carry a concealed firearm unless the officer:
(1) is engaged in the exclusive performance of the officer's duties as a personal protection officer for the employer under whom the officer's personal protection officer authorization is issued; an
(2) carries the officer's security officer commission and personal protection officer authorization on the officer's person while performing the officer's duties and presents the commission and authorization on request.

Applications submitted to the Commission are government documents and/or records. A fraudulent application for a license, registration or security officer commission pursuant to the Act is a criminal offense. Applicants that willfully make false statements in making applications for licenses, registrations, or security officer commissions pursuant to the Act, or otherwise commit a violation in connection with such application, will be subject to prosecution.

Any person who has applied for or been issued a license, registration, security officer commission, instructor approval, school approval, or letter of authority, shall not knowingly permit or allow any person to violate a provision of the Act, a Commission rule, or any Criminal Statute.

6. All registrants shall indicate they have completed the required minimum hours of Commission-approved continuing education credits on their application for renewal. A renewal application shall also include name of school, school number, seminar number, seminar date, and credits earned.

C. To receive Commission approval, a continuing education course shall contain instruction relating to one or more of the following:

1. Investigative procedures and practices;
2. Business practices;
3. Legal aspects of private investigation or private security;
4. Ethical aspects of private investigation or private security;
5. Handgun proficiency as defined under Section 1702.168 of the Act; and/or
6. Any other course of instruction approved by the Executive Director.

To receive Commission approval, a continuing education course shall contain at least one clock hour of instruction.

A. An applicant for a registration, security officer commission or license under the provisions of this Act whose registration or commission has been expired for a period of time less than six months is not required to submit new fingerprint cards when making application.

B. Notwithstanding Commission Section 433.05 of this title relating to Registration Deadline a licensee shall obtain the fingerprints of an applicant for a registration or security officer commission prior to assigning the applicant to duty.

The employer of a commissioned security officer or registrant shall exercise due diligence in ensuring that an applicant's qualifications meet the provisions of Section 1702.113 of the Act, prior to duty assignment.

It shall be the responsibility of the licensed company to register all employees required to register under the Act, with the Commission.

Any person required to be registered with the Commission must have their application on file with the Commission within 14 days after commencing employment. Failure to comply may, at the discretion of the Director, result in denial of the application.


A. A registrant or commissioned security officer of a licensed company must meet the specifications defined by the Internal Revenue Service as an "employee"- or “contract laborer.”

B. A licensee shall not make application for any person knowing that the conditions of that person's employment do not conform to Subsection (A) of this Section.

C. In the public interest and to ensure the good conduct of applicants for a registration or a security officer commission, they shall meet the requirements of Section 1702.113 of the Act.

E. Commissioned security officers or personal protection officers shall carry only a firearm of the category with which they have been formally trained and of which training documentation is on file with the commission. Firearm categories will be shown on the individual's registration card and will be:

1. SA: any handgun, whether semi-automatic or not,
2. NSA: handguns that are not semi-automatic,
3. STG: any shotgun.

F. No commissioned security officer or personal protection officer shall carry an inoperative, unsafe, replica or simulated firearm while in the course and scope of their employment.

G. No commissioned security officer or personal protection officer shall brandish, point, exhibit, or otherwise display a firearm at anytime, except as authorized by law.

H. The discharge of a firearm while in the performance of their duty by any person registered, or commissioned by a licensee shall be reported to the Austin office of the Commission. Notification of the discharge of a firearm shall be in writing within 24 hours of the incident, and shall be faxed by the licensee, or manager. The fax shall be addressed to the Executive Director of the Commission at (512) 238 5853. The fax shall include:

1. Name of the person discharging the firearm:
2. Name of the employer;
3. Location of the incident;
4. A brief narrative of what happened;
5. Whether death, personal injury or property damaged resulted, and
6. Whether the incident is being or was investigated by a law enforcement agency.

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