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eFiling Main Information

Welcome to TexasOnline eFiling for Courts

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What is eFiling?

The filing of paper pleadings with the court imposes significant burdens on the court's personnel and facilities. Legal firms and their clients also incur costs for the delivery and processing of these documents. The filing, tracking, and processing of these pleadings creates inefficiency and higher costs throughout the system.

TexasOnline developed its eFiling program in an effort to address the expanding needs of a geographically dispersed legal community and increased costs associated with processing, tracking, and storing paper documents. eFiling for Courts, a TexasOnline service, was developed and provided in conjunction with the Texas Supreme Court?s Judicial Committee on Information Technology (JCIT) and the Office of Court Administration (OCA).

Texas is the first state to implement a statewide system based on a common "electronic post office" that supports an open model for vendors serving both attorneys and courts.

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Advantages to the Attorney

TexasOnline eFiling for Courts enables filers to submit documents online and receive a response from the court as to the status of their filing. Users can file into any participating courts using an Electronic Filing Service Provider (EFSP) of their choice, which eliminates the need to learn and maintain multiple systems for each different court. Online submission reduces operational costs and creates opportunities for better customer service. Other advantages include:

  1. 24/7/365 filing - Eliminates racing the clock to the clerk's office
  2. Cheaper and faster than mail and delivery services
  3. Online tracking of documents upon submission
  4. Flexible payment options - use corporate or personal credit cards to submit payment
  5. Single, safe and secure eFiling portal
  6. Ability to attach messages and instructions for the clerk upon document submittal

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Advantages to the Courts

This TexasOnline model provides courts with the ability to electronically receive and review documents submitted for filing. TexasOnline streamlines and automates filing and payment procedures reducing time spent on redundant activities and improving operational efficiency. Other advantages include:

  1. Automatic calculation of fees - no miscalculations to correct or collections duties for court staff
  2. Minimal impact on IT staff - TexasOnline staff manage the website and related hardware and software
  3. Elimination of scanning - documents are delivered in electronic format and ready for uploading into existing case management, document management, or imaging systems
  4. Payment received directly from TOL
  5. Single, safe and secure E-file portal
  6. Flexible back-office (CMS/DMS) vendor choice

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Getting Started for Attorneys

Attorneys and staff register and file with TexasOnline through a certified Electronic Filing Service Provider (EFSP). EFSPs are competing commercial vendors with their own websites. Select an Electronic Filing Service Provider and register for eFiling.

EService is available to attorneys - both with and without an associated filing. Parties who only need to be served electronically by other participants in a case can set up a complimentary account with TexasOnline by registering with TexasOnline eFiling for Courts.

Whether you register with an EFSP or through TexasOnline, you will need to submit a valid email address in order to receive additional instructions upon completion of registration. The email address is also used to send electronic notification confirming the status of your filing or that you have received electronic service.

Be sure to update your profile with your EFSP when your email address changes so you can continue to receive eService and your confirmation notices. You may also update your profile information through TexasOnline Filer Services.

The EFSP assists you in filing with participating courts across Texas, and in tracking the status of your documents. See a list of participating counties.

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Getting Started for Courts

For more information on electronic filing services for your court, or to sign up to be an eFiling court system, please contact us:

Mike Griffith
BearingPoint, Inc.

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