Help us renovate the Texas State Library and Archives!

The Texas State Library and Archives Commission is planning a major renovation and expansion of its flagship building next to the Texas State Capitol in Austin. It's timely because the 46-year-old building has never undergone a major renovation, and the State Library and Archives faces significant challenges due to the building's deficiencies. A leaky roof, mechanical and electrical systems in danger of failing, and a lack of archival storage space and inviting public spaces are just a few of the problems being faced.

The State Library and Archives already has $15.5 million from the Texas Legislature for the project. With this funding, we can update the mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems, improve the quality of the public and staff spaces, and generally bring the building up to code. However, specialized library and conservation equipment, library furniture and lighting are not in the budget. Compact archival shelving that would allow us to maximize space for our growing archives collection is very expensive, and it's not in the budget, either.

We need to raise $10 million to augment state funding and realize a 21st Century state library building for the people of Texas.

The Friends of Libraries & Archives of Texas is spearheading the capital campaign to raise funds for the renovation.

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Artist's rendering of the renovated entry to the Lorenzo de Zavala State Archives & Library Building. Bailey Architects' design for the reception area includes glass walls bordering the Genealogy, Reference Documents, and State Archives Collections.


Who are the Friends?

The Friends of Libraries & Archives of Texas believe that libraries are vital to each Texas community. They believe in the preservation of and access to Texas' rich history for all generations. With these tenets, the Friends value the services provided by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission as crucial to Texas residents and communities. The Friends also understand that local communities need local friends and strive to connect local groups for the purposes of communication and collaboration.