University of North Texas Libraries
UNT Libraries Home Resources for Library Research Library Services Exhibits and Collections About the Libraries New and Noteworthy UNT Library Catalog Electronic Resources Library Services for UNT Off-Campus Users Ask a Librarian How Do I Begin? How to Find Books and Articles Site Map Search This Web Site  


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Resources for Library Research     
     UNT & Other Library Catalogs

        UNT Library Catalog
        Media Library Catalog
        Course Reserves
        Call Number Location Guides
        Other Libraries' Online Catalogs
     Research Sources
Electronic Resources
        Subject Guides
        Class Assignment Resources
        Quick Reference
        Government Information 

     Finding and Using Information  
     from the Internet 

Internet Search Engines
        How to Search the Internet
        How to Evaluate Web Sites
        How to Cite Internet Resources

    How to Use Information
Style Manuals & Citation Guides

        Writing Tips
        Copyright Information

  Getting Help with Research
Reference Assistance at the UNT Libraries
  How to Find Information
Notes for First Time Users

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Exhibits and Collections
   List by Departments
        Alphabetical List by Title of Collection/Project
        List by Subject
        Full-text Resources
        Finding Aids

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right arrow New & Noteworthy

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Library Services for Off-Campus Users
System Center at Dallas Library
Reference Services
    Online Reference Help Desk
         E-mail Reference
         Libraries Toll-Free Phone      
     Related UNT Services
         Center for Distributed Learning
     Basic Steps for Connecting to UNT Electronic   
Printing From Off-Campus
        Find Your EUID
   Borrowing Materials
Circulation and Reserves
        Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery

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Library Services
  Reference & Library Instruction
         E-Mail Reference
         Online Reference Help Desk
         Libraries' Toll-Free Phone Number
         Reference Desks
         Reference by Appointment
         Library Instruction
Borrowing Materials From UNT
            Book Renewal Form

Remote Storage Request Form
            UNT Library Catalog
         Reserve Materials
         Lending Services for Distributed   
             Distributed Learning Request Form
     Borrowing From Other Libraries
       Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery
       TexShare Card | OCLC Card
       Other Library Catalogs
     Printing & Photocopying
How to Print
        Printing in Willis Library
        Printing in the Science & Technology   Library
        Printing in the Willis Computer Lab
        Where to Photocopy
        Copy Costs | Copy Cards
        Change & Change Machines
        Photocopy Services Office

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About the Libraries
        Library Departments and Personnel
        Library Personnel by Name
        Department Liaison List
        Committees & Workgroups
        University Library Committee

    Hours and Locations

        Floor Maps
        Call Number Location Guides

Fact Sheet
Mission Statement
        Organization Chart
        Policies & Procedures
        Collection Development Policy
        Goals & Objectives
        Action Plans
        Annual Reports
     Get Involved
Employment Opportunities
        Friends of the UNT Libraries
    Library Guides
Faculty Guide
        Student Guide
    Web Site Development Guidelines
UNT Libraries Web Site Development
        UNT Web Publishing Policies
        [Standards for] State Web Sites (State of Texas)

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How Do I Begin?
     Notes for First Time Users
       How to Find Books & Articles
       How to Do Research
       How to Search the Internet
       Subject Guides
       Reference Assistance
       Library Research from the UNT 

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Last updated on October 05, 2006.

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