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Links to TDI Codes / Rules

Legislative Council's Online Texas Insurance Code

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Texas Insurance Code (not codified)
Acts of the 78th Regular Texas Legislature (2003) provided for Titles 3, 5, 9, 11 and 13 and portions of Title 8 of the Texas Insurance Code to be codified. The effective date of the codified portions was April 1, 2005. For those sections not codified, use the following link:


Texas Insurance Code (codified)
Acts of the 76th Regular Texas Legislature (1999) and Acts of the 77th Regular Texas Legislature (2001) provided for revisions to Titles 2, 6 and 7, as well as Subtitle H of Title 8, of the Texas Insurance Code. The effective dates of these codification provisions were September 1, 1999 and June 1, 2003, respectively. The codified versions of these chapters can be accessed at:


Reviewing Insurance Codes

Each chapter states the Revised Law, which is the text of the new law, and then provides the Source Law, which is the text of the former law from which the revised law is derived.

Because of the extensive reorganization of many statutes, and even of sentences within a statute, it may be helpful if you refer to the source law as printed in Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes. That way, you see the quoted source law in its present context.

In reviewing a revised chapter of the Insurance Code, you should keep in mind the following:

  • The Code Construction Act (Chapter 311, Government Code) applies to the code. That Act sets out certain principles of statutory construction applicable to new codes and also provides some definitions.
  • Each proposed code chapter is written in modern American English. Where possible, the present tense is used; the active rather than the passive voice is preferred; and the singular is used in preference to the plural.
  • This is a nonsubstantive revision. The staff's authority did not include improving the substance of the current law. The sole purpose of this project was to compile the relevant law, arrange it in a logical fashion, and rewrite it without altering its meaning or legal effect. If a particular source statute is ambiguous and the ambiguity cannot be resolved without a potential substantive effect, the ambiguity is preserved. In addition, the code does not attempt to reflect court decisions that have not been approved by the Texas court of last resort or the possible effect of recent federal legislation.

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For more information contact: PIO@tdi.state.tx.us

Last updated: 02/05/2007