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Other Priorities

Governor Perry speaks at military event Governor Perry speaks at military event Governor Perry speaks at military event Governor Perry speaks at military event Governor Perry speaks about fraud

Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)

Gov. Perry created the BRAC Response Strike Force to lead the effort to protect Texas military installations tentatively recommended for closure by the federal government in the Base Realignment and Closure Process. The Strike Force, comprised of representatives from 14 state agencies including the Texas Military Preparedness Commission, is charged with developing a plan of action for each endangered base to remedy problem areas before a final closure order is issued.

Perry has worked to aggressively position Texas' 18 military installations as ideal locations for continued and expanded missions. Under Perry's direction, the state had made unprecedented commitments to improve infrastructure on Texas bases to increase their value to the military. Perry has also signed a law giving military communities the authority to invest local sales tax dollars in base improvement projects.

Read more about BRAC


Gov. Perry has made improving the quality of life along the Texas-Mexico border an important priority of his administration. He helped establish a telemedicine project that gives border residents greater access to healthcare and a new $175 million road building program for Texas colonias, and has worked with federal officials to provide $800 million for water and wastewater services for those without. In 2005, Gov. Perry helped broker a deal with Mexican officials that resolved a 12-year old dispute over water rights, allowing South Texas farmers to access the water they need. He has also been a chief advocate for the creation and funding of the Texas Tech Medical School in El Paso and the Irma Rangel School of Pharmacy in Kingsville.

Read more about the Border


To protect the Texas environment for future generations, Gov. Perry has helped pass laws that require tougher standards for older power plants, mandate that more of the state's electricity come from renewable sources and provide incentives for local governments to implement cleaner technologies. Perry also directed the Texas Department of Transportation to begin using cleaner burning fuels for vehicle fleets in large urban areas, and helped established pilot programs that monitor air and water pollution levels in near real-time so local officials can take corrective action before public safety is endangered.


Gov. Perry has directed all state agencies to establish wide-ranging efforts to prevent, detect and eliminate fraud in government programs. Perry has also proposed the establishment of Inspector General positions at major state agencies. As envisioned, Inspectors General would be accountable not to the bureaucracy but to independent boards or commissioners, and would have the broad authority needed to ensure taxpayer dollars are used efficiently and lawbreakers are brought to justice.

Read more about Fraud