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TDInSight - the Latest in Regulatory Information from TDI

Links for viewing TDInSight online & information on renewing or requesting a subscription

1. Current Subscribers - View TDInSight Online

Each month, TDInsight subscribers receive...

  • Authoritative information on insurance regulation in Texas.
  • Summaries of all proposed and adopted rules.
  • Articles on enforcements, legislation and administrative changes.
  • Regular listings of:
    • disciplinary actions
    • company license filings.
  • Monthly updates on:
    • life and health insurance
    • workers' compensation
    • agent licensing and more.

2. View Sample Pages of TDInSight

3. Renew or Request Subscription to TDInSight [Formerly Texas Insurance News]
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  • Print a copy of the order form below.
  • Please enclose payment ($30) with order.
  • Make check payable to Texas Department of Insurance.
  • Mail to:
Texas Department of Insurance
Publications (MC 9999)
P.O. Box 149104
Austin, TX 78714-9104

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For more information contact: PIO@tdi.state.tx.us

Last updated: 10/20/2006