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DSHS Offender Education Programs

TEXAS DWI EDUCATION PROGRAM: Article 42.12, Section l3(h),Code of Criminal Procedure requires persons convicted of first offense DWI and receiving probation, to attend and successfully complete an educational program certified by the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Failure to complete the program within l80 days (unless an extension was granted) from the date probation was granted will result in the offender's license being revoked. The license cannot be reinstated until the educational program is completed. The standardized program is 12 hours in length and is designed to help DWI offenders increase their knowledge about alcohol and drugs as these substances relate to driving skills, to identify their own individual drinking/drug use and driving patterns, and to assist them in developing plans which will reduce the probability of future DWI behavior. Specific course topics include alcohol/drug and traffic safety problems, Texas laws relating to DWI, effects of alcohol/drugs on humans, alcohol/drugs and driving task abilities, chemical dependency, symptoms of dependency, sources of assistance, costs of DWI, and decision-making.

TEXAS DWI REPEAT OFFENDER PROGRAM: Article 42.12, Section 13(j), Code of Criminal Procedure requires persons convicted of subsequent DWI offenses to attend a program for "repeat offenders" approved by TCADA. Failure to complete the program will result in the offender’s license being revoked until the program has been completed. This standardized program is 32 hours in length and is designed for multiple DWI offenders and/or others who have alcohol/drug related problems for which the first offender program was not designed to address. The program purpose is to intervene in the alcohol/drug abusing lifestyles of the offenders in order to encourage entry into treatment where indicated as well as to prevent further substance abuse related problems. Specific course topics include lifestyle issues, values, self-esteem, positive thinking vs. irrational beliefs, responsibility, physiological/psychological effects of drugs, alcoholism, chemical dependency, how drug abuse effects family members, co-dependency, Al-Anon, treatment options, l2-Step Self-Help Groups, peer pressure, relapse prevention, problem solving and action planning.

TEXAS DRUG OFFENDER EDUCATION PROGRAM:Section 521.371-521.377, Texas Transportation Code (formerly Article 6687b, Section 24B, Texas Civil Statutes) states that persons convicted of misdemeanor or felony drug offenses will automatically have their licenses suspended for a period of six months. In order to have their license reinstated, they must attend and successfully complete an education program on the dangers of drug abuse approved by TCADA. Failure to complete the program will result in the license being revoked indefinitely until the education program is completed. The standardized program is 15 hours in length and is designed to increase the knowledge of drug offenders by educating them on the dangers of drug abuse and associated illegal activities, to identify their own individual drug-use patterns, and to assist them in developinga personal action plan which will reduce the probability of suffering the consequences of future drug using and illegal behavior. Specific course topics include history of drug abuse, drug/DWI laws, dynamics of drug use, drugs of abuse, how drugs work, cost of use and abuse, health issues, HIV, interpersonal relationships, deglamorization of drugs, values and behaviors, past and desired behaviors, getting control of your life, resource options, and personal action planning. (Not applicable to deferred adjudication).

ALCOHOL EDUCATION PROGRAMS FOR MINORS (aka MINOR IN POSSESSION (MIP) PROGRAM) : Section 106.115, Alcoholic Beverage Code, requires minors convicted of first or subsequent offenses for the purchase, possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages to attend an alcohol awareness course approved by the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse in addition to assessing a fine. If a TCADA approved course is not available, the court shall require the defendant to perform 8-12 hours of community service. Failure to complete the alcohol awareness course or community service within 90 days of conviction will result in a license suspension of up to 6 months. TCADA has adopted minimum operational requirements for alcohol awareness programs seeking our approval. Administrator/instructor training in the use of the standardized curriculum is offered quarterly.

The standardized program is six hours in length and is designed to help participants increase their knowledge about alcohol and drugs among young people. The curriculum contains information on the following topics: societal values related to alcohol consumption by minors, the influence of alcohol advertising on young people, the physical, social and psychological effects of alcohol upon young people; the relationship between motor vehicle and other accidents and alcohol use; relevant laws relating to the purchase, possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors, drinking patterns and problems of young people including abuse and addiction and decision making skills. Training for instructors and administrators in the use of the curriculum is on going.



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