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BHIPS Functionality Definition
As of October 2003

Functionality Description
Client Profile (demographics)
The Client Profile collects and displays general and demographic information about a client.
Screening Instrument
This screen is used to collect and display screening information and screening results.  Screening information helps determine if the client needs further assessment for a substance dependency or abuse problem.  At the end of the screening a score is calculated based on the answers from questions one through nine and displayed in the Screening.
Addiction Severity Index Assessment (ASI-Lite)
The assessment, fashioned after the ASI-Lite, collects information about the client's history and current status. This information helps the provider when making decisions regarding a client's need for treatment for a substance abuse or dependency problem. Assessment information is also used to develop a treatment plan for the client. In BHIPS, the assessment is broken into sections that include collection of general, medical, employment, substance use, legal, family, and psychiatric history and current status of the client. There is summary that extracts significant information from all sections of the assessment onto one screen, providing a single place to view important information without having to page from section to section.
Clinician’s Assessment
The Clinician’s Assessment collects information about the clinician's observations of the client during the interview. It is somewhat subjective in nature but allows you to capture educated opinions on the client's current status. To aid you in selecting the correct rating, a description of the symptoms the client would exhibit were he/she extreme, is given. You may scale back the rating based on your observations and impressions. This assessment is repeated throughout the cycle of care. When you select a rating, it gets stored with a numeric value, i.e., None = 0, Extreme = 4. A BHIPS report is available where the numbers from the various iterations of the clinician’s assessment are displayed. It provides a tool to aid in the determining whether the client is improving.
DSM-IV Diagnostic Instrument
The DSM-IV Diagnostic Instrument summarizes the clinician’s assessment, collecting a diagnostic impression. This impression is multi-axial in that it captures the state of the client’s alcohol and drug abuse and mental health disorders, personality and mental retardation, medical conditions, psychosocial and environmental problems, and assessment of the client’s functioning. This tool is a part of the Clinician’s Assessment and is performed various times throughout the client’s care to also aid in determining whether the client is improving.
Treatment Plan
A Treatment Plan can be generated from a completed Assessment. A Problem List is generated based on how the client responded on specific questions in the Assessment. You may add goals, objectives and strategies to the problems you are going to treat. You may also refer and defer problems. The Treatment Plan also includes a Discharge Plan. Multiple versions of the Treatment Plan are maintained so updates can be made and the history of the plan can be kept.
Treatment Plan Review
The Treatment Plan Review is generated from the Treatment Plan. Progress toward goals is a required element as well as justification for continued length of stay, transfer or discharge. A history of Reviews is also maintained.
Admission Report
The Admission form is filled out when an adult client is admitted. The BHIPS already knows whether the client is an adult or youth from the Client Profile record so the appropriate form is automatically loaded when you select the Admissions button. All of the TCADA required data is captured when filling out this form. Saving this form generates an Admission record to the TCADA system so bills may be generated for this client. Saving this form also reduces the number of slots available for the program in which the client is admitted.
Treatment Service Tracking
This screen is where information about the procedure you performed (service provided) for the client is captured. You may add a procedure for one or more active clients. An example of when you might need to add the same procedure to several clients is when you have completed a group session. BHIPS creates a Procedure record for each of the clients and adds the Procedure record to the client's Activity List. The Procedure record is also added to the Outpatient Billing screen.
Progress Notes
The Progress Note screen is used to capture and display the client's progress in counseling and progress toward goals. Progress notes reflect the results of a specific procedure performed and are therefore associated with the Procedure record. Once a progress note is saved for a billable service, a HIPAA Pending Claim is generated for submission to TCADA for payment.
Didactic/Educational Progress Notes
The Didactic/Educational Group Progress Notes screen is used to capture and display the didactic and educational services provided for a large group. Up to 35 patients can be selected and when saved, each patient’s Activity List is populated with the group note. Billable claims are generated for submission to TCADA for payment.
Discharge Reports
The Discharge screen is used to collect discharge information and is filled out at the time a client is discharged or transferred from a provider facility. All of the TCADA required data is captured when filling out this form. The system determines if the client is an adult or youth from the Admission Report and automatically loads the appropriate discharge form. Saving the Adult Discharge screen generates a Discharge record to TCADA for the client and increases the number of slots available for the program from which the client was discharged. The system does not allow a client to receive additional services (procedures), progress reports, discharges, or follow-ups without having another active Admission Report.
Follow-up Reports
The Follow-Up form is used to collect and display follow-up information. The BHIPS knows whether to display an Adult, Youth, or Detox Follow-up from the client’s Admission report. Follow-up information is collected at various intervals after the client has been discharged. The frequency of follow-ups is determined by the provider and the number of Follow-up reports associated with the discharge is unlimited. All of the TCADA required data is captured when filling out this form.
There is a My Desk screen is displayed when you log in to BHIPS or when you click the My Desk button on the BHIPS navigation toolbar.
This screen displays a list of messages that were generated from within BHIPS, such as referrals, referral responses and system messages. You can see the message details by clicking on the subject of the message.
Automated Client Referral/Transfer
The Referral screen is used to collect and display referral information and to send the referral to the receiving provider. When you click the Send Referral button on the Referral screen, BHIPS creates a Referral record then and sends a message to the receiving provider's intake coordinator's My Desk screen. Once a referral has been sent it cannot be changed or deleted. Note: Before you can send a referral you must obtain the client's signed consent to release confidential information to the receiving provider. If the client refuses to sign a Consent form, the referral may not be made using the BHIPS automated process. BHIPS will display an error message if you try to send a referral with no active Consent form on file in BHIPS for the receiving provider.
Automated Release of Confidential Information/Revoke of Consent
The Consent screen is a form used to release confidential information. Once the form is saved in BHIPS, other providers (the disclosees) are allowed to view information you collect about the client. You may select specific parts of the client's record to release based on what the client gives you permission to release. It is a federal law that a hard copy of the form must be filled out, printed, and signed by the client before it can be saved in BHIPS. When the Consent form is saved in BHIPS, the disclosee has access to the information until the expiration date indicated on the Consent form unless the consent is revoked prior to the expiration date. Once a Consent form is saved, you are not able to make changes to it. If you make a mistake, you may either revoke the Consent form you saved, or create a new one to replace the original. Revoking Consent removes the ability of the disclosee to view the information.
Wait List
The Wait List screen is used to place clients on a Wait List. You are able to view the entire list by using the On-line Wait, List.
Available Capacity
The Available Capacity screen is used daily to report capacity. Reports are available to the available capacity coordinator at the agency to insure timely reporting.
Staff Member Tracking
The Provider Staff screen is used to collect and display general information about a staff member. If the staff member is currently employed, his/her name is available on all the forms in the system, where staff assignments are made.
Role Based Application Security
Access to the BHIPS requires that each staff member have a logon ID and a password. The staff member must also be assigned one or more roles. Roles are based on different jobs in the organization and are used to limit access to screens to only those needed to perform the job.
Reports and Downloads
The BHIPS has many reports you can run whenever you need them. These reports come from two different sources of data. A few reports come from the on-line system where the data is as up to date as the last transaction you entered into the system. However, most of the reports are created using data from the BHIPS data warehouse. Each night all new and changed records are extracted from the BHIPS and added to the BHIPS data warehouse. This data is kept separate from the on-line system so you can run large or complicated reports without degrading the response time of the on-line system. You may download any of the reports into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or a Microsoft Word document.
Assign Staff Access
With the Assign Staff Access screen, TCADA managers may assign view-only access to a provider’s data for a specified amount of time. The client’s name is masked with the client number so the staff member does not see it. This is useful in performing audits and monitoring.
Case Management
Using the Case Management functionality in the system allows case managers/counselors to keep track of services (treatment and non-treatment) provided for clients. Once a case is opened, a clinician can enter services, referrals, and referral follow-up.
HEI Measures and Narrative
HIV Early Intervention (HEI) programs perform case management, provide services, client referrals and follow-up to see if the client made contact. The HEI Measures and Narrative functionality generates a quarterly report, summing these activities and calculating performance measures from the data. It also has a narrative section for reporting progress, problems and plans for the program.
Performance and Activity Measures Monthly Report Prevention and Intervention providers are required to report their performance and activity measures monthly. Measures include numbers served and demographics.
Check Capacity Providers report bed capacity for residential programs each morning by 11:00 am. The Check Capacity functionality aids providers in finding openings with other organizations when they do not have room.
Pending Claims Each time a billable service is recorded for outpatient or residential services, a claim is generated on the Pending Claims screen. Selecting a link on the claims will present the appropriate HIPAA transaction (837-Professional for Outpatient or 837-Institutional for Residential) for submission to TCADA for payment.
Outpatient or Residential Claim Submitting a pending claim will bill TCADA for services provided. HIPAA transactioncodes and modifiers are automatically generated based on the service type selected when the service is recorded.
Claim Status Once a pending claim has been submitted, the Claim Status List screen is used to track the status of the claim. Each claim can be access using the link to the claim.
Payment Notification When a payment is made, a HIPAA compliant 835 Payment Notification record is available for view by selecting the link to the record on the Claim Status screen.
BHIPS Forum BHIPS has a bulletin board where users may communicate among themselves, sharing ideas and asking questions. TCADA also uses The Forum for communicating new and changed functionality in the system.
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