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Texas Health Care Policy Council

THCPC Members | Agenda | Publications


The Texas Health Care Policy Council was created as a new entity within the Office of the Governor through HB 916, 79th Legislature. The mission of the Council is to research, analyze and provide recommendations on ways to improve the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of the health care system in Texas.

Primary Roles of the Council

HB 916 specifies that the Council will:

  • Research and identify approaches and solutions to address gaps, flaws, inefficiencies, or problems in the health care system and conduct research and analysis on ways to improve health care in Texas;
  • Ensure the most effective collaboration among state agencies in the purchase of health care products and services;
  • Facilitate and promote the use of technology in the health care system as a way to decrease administrative costs and to increase and improve the quality of health care;
  • Monitor and identify ways to ensure the health care workforce is large enough to serve the health care needs of the state;
  • Establish and maintain a clearinghouse of information to assist communities in assessing the needs of local health care systems; and
  • Other issues identified by the Governor.

Not later than December 31 of each even-numbered year, the Council shall submit a report of the Council's findings and recommendations to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Speaker. The report must include recommendations from the Texas Health Workforce Planning Partnership and any other advisory body formed by the Council.

Composition of the Council

The Council is composed of the administrative head (or designee) of the following nine state agencies and six systems of higher education.

State Agencies Systems of Higher Education
Health and Human Services Commission Texas A&M University System
Department of State Health Services Texas State University System
Department of Aging and Disability Services Texas Tech University System
Workforce Commission University of Houston System
Higher Education Coordinating Board University of North Texas System
Department of Insurance University of Texas System
Employee Retirement System of Texas  
Teacher Retirement System of Texas  
Health Professions Council