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Health & Safety

Child Protective Services Hotline Governor Perry speaks at Trauma Center opening Governor Perry participates in Texas Round-up Governor Perry participates in Texas Round-up

Children's Health Insurance Program

As Lieutenant Governor in 1999, Gov. Perry helped establish the Children's Health Insurance Program to provide health insurance benefits for indigent children. Since then, Perry has worked with legislators to make sure the program works for those who are most needy, as well as the taxpayers who pay for it. Today, more children than ever before - over 2.2 million - receive state-funded health coverage through CHIP or Medicaid.

Protective Services

In 2005, lawmakers adopted Gov. Perry's major recommendations to overhaul the state programs that protect children and adults at risk for abuse or neglect. These reforms will put 2,500 new caseworkers in the field, cut down on paperwork and bureaucracy, and provide better training and salaries for those charged with protecting some of most vulnerable citizens.
Read More about Protective Services

Child Protective Services Hotline

The Health and Human Services Commission's Ombudsman Office, in conjunction with the Office of the Inspector General, has established a toll-free line for people to report complaints in response to Gov. Perry's ordered statewide investigation into the practices and procedures of Child Protective Services.
Hotline Information

Liability Reform

In 2003, Gov. Perry led the fight to pass the most sweeping medical liability reforms in the nation, which were later approved by Texas voters at the ballot box. Since then, lawsuits against doctors and hospitals have dropped off dramatically, insurance costs are on the decline and patients have better access to the care they need because doctors are reopening and expanding their practices with fewer fears of a frivolous lawsuit.

Hurricane Preparedness

In 2004, Gov. Perry ordered a comprehensive review of the state's ability to respond to catastrophic hurricanes. The 18-point plan released in 2005 calls for a regional approach in planning for and responding to a hurricane, evacuation route improvements and giving local officials greater authority to evacuate citizens.
Read More about Hurricane Preparedness

Texas Round-Up

Gov. Perry helped established the Texas Round-Up in 2004 to promote physical fitness and help Texans make healthier lifestyle choices. Too many Texans face serious illness and disease as a result of being overweight. In economic terms, obesity costs Texas billions of dollars each year from lost productivity and increased use of the healthcare system. Thousands of Texans of all ages have participated in the Round-Up, and launched a new beginning towards a healthier life.
Read More about Texas Round-Up at