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3rd Party Software

A zipped file (.zip) is a normal file that has been compressed to a smaller size so that it takes less time to download. Download it just like any other file, then unzip it using any unzip program. If you don't have an unzip program, download one from any of the major shareware sites, such as www.winzip.com.

If you do not have Microsoft Word, PowerPoint or Excel software installed on your system, you may download a "viewer" for Microsoft files at http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/assistance/HA010449811033.aspx. This viewer is free and will allow you to view and print Microsoft Word, PowerPoint or Excel documents.

If you do not have Acrobat® Reader installed on your system, you may download a free viewer at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html

If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader 6, you can use the Snapshot Tool (a camera icon with a dotted line around it on the Basic toolbar) to save "pictures" of your form to a word processor document or even presentation software, such as PowerPoint. Drag the tool's crosshairs around the area you want to copy. The snapshot tool automatically copies the selected area to the clipboard. You can paste it into your word processor or presentation software. If you want higher resolution, zoom in on the image while it's still selected, then right-click on it and choose "Copy Selected Graphic". If you zoom in too much, the copy process can create huge files that will bog down your computer system.

If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader 5 or earlier, choose the Graphics Select Tool from the toolbar - click and hold the toolbar button to the right of the zoom tool and when the flyout menu appears, click the rightmost button on it. Use the Graphics Select Tool to drag a rectangle surrounding the area of the PDF page you'd like to save in your word processor presentation software. Choose Edit, Copy or press Ctrl+C, then switch to your word process or presentation software and choose Edit, Paste or press Ctrl+V to paste a copy of the selected area of the PDF file. If the result is not sharp enough, switch back to Adobe Reader and without changing anything, type a higher zoom percentage into the zoom text box at the lower left of the Reader window, then re-do the copy and paste routine.

For more information contact: Webmaster@tdi.state.tx.us

Last updated: 06/23/2006