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Radio Address - September 24, 2005

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Gov. Rick Perry
Date: September 24, 2005
Topic: Message to Fuel Terminal Owners

This is Governor Rick Perry. I have a special request of fuel terminal owners and operators: as more than 2.5 million evacuees from Hurricane Rita prepare to head back home, we need to ensure there are adequate fuel supplies along the routes, particularly in the Houston and Beaumont/Port Arthur areas.

If you will open your terminal throughout this weekend, we can begin refueling service stations along the major roadways. If a truck comes to you asking to fill their tanker, please fill the request if you are able.

I know that you operate under contractual agreements under normal circumstances, but we are in extraordinary circumstances.

Get a contact name and number so you will be reimbursed. I have a statewide fuel coordinator, Cindy Morphew, in the State Operations Center if you have any questions. Please coordinate through her. She can be reached at 512- 424-7836. Thank you.