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Radio Address - December 18, 2003

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Gov. Rick Perry
Date: December 18, 2003
Topic: Texas Year in Review

My fellow Texans...

As you read in the newspapers and watch on TV the year-in-review retrospectives for 2003, you may only hear one side of the story about state government. But to borrow a phrase from Paul Harvey: I want to make sure you hear "the rest of the story."

And "the rest of the story" is a good one - one that all Texans can be proud of.

Texas is better off because we addressed a $10 billion budget challenge without raising taxes. We funded a 1 billion dollar increase for public education and a 1 billion dollar increase for health care. We put a stop to skyrocketing homeowners insurance rates.

We addressed the lawsuit abuse that kills jobs and drives doctors out of medicine. And we invested in jobs to grow the economy rather than the size of state government.

In short, we set clear, but limited, priorities - education, health care and jobs - and we restructured government to create cost-efficiencies and savings to fund those priorities.

By balancing the budget without job-killing new taxes, reducing bureaucracy and increasing funding for public schools and college scholarships, the 78th Legislature paved the way for more jobs and economic opportunity in Texas.

Because of fiscally conservative policies and leadership, Texas is on the right track. And I'm committed to ensuring that Texas continues to add jobs as the national economy improves.

So when you read the headlines, keep in mind "the rest of the story." Texas is a state with strong schools, low taxes and responsive but limited government. And as we head into 2004, we are a state that's still adding jobs and poised for even more economic growth and opportunity in the years ahead.

Now you really know the rest of the story.