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Criminal Justice Division

The Governor's Criminal Justice Division (CJD) administers federal and state funding to local, regional and statewide criminal justice-related projects. CJD's goals are to support programs that protect people from crime, reduce the number of crimes committed, and promote accountability, efficiency, and effectiveness for the criminal justice system. CJD focuses resources on projects that enhance Texas' capacity to prevent crime, provide service and treatment options, enforce laws, train staff and volunteers, and serve crime victims.

CJD administers grants from a variety of state and state and federal funding sources [158KB PDF]. Although each funding source has its unique purpose, all CJD grant programs share two overarching values: 1) encourage innovative solutions and 2) provide for local control. Adhering to these values allows CJD to respond to the specific needs of Texas' communities.

Prevention & Juvenile Justice

Early intervention and prevention are important components in crime reduction. CJD recognizes this by funding prevention initiatives that impact the youngest Texans, involve schools, families, and communities, and build meaningful relationships between children and adults. CJD's prevention projects provide violent behavior alternatives, drug and alcohol abuse prevention, mentor programs, school safety education, after school activities (e.g., tutors, sports, arts), and gang prevention.

Juvenile justice projects focus on holding juvenile offenders accountable while providing meaningful intervention. Projects involve substance abuse treatment, professional training and education, school resource officers, gang intervention, gender-specific programming, juvenile court assistance, drug court assistance, juvenile supervision programming, family services, and prosecution.

CJD's juvenile justice research projects are designed to benefit the overall juvenile justice system. Research in the area of disproportionate minority contact assesses the extent to which minorities are subject to different confinement decisions than non-minorities. This project includes the development of standardized instruments assessing risk and making confinement decisions.

Law Enforcement

CJD funds a variety of grants to law enforcement programs for investigation, enforcement, prosecution, courts, substance abuse treatment, training, and technology. As necessary, law enforcement resources have been directed toward homeland security initiatives, especially emergency communication systems, border security, training, and coordinated response planning.

The Statewide Texas Amber Alert Network was created through an Executive Order signed by Governor Perry to ensure that every available resource is used to return abducted children safely to their loved ones. Executive Order RP16 states that "the network is a cooperative effort of the Office of the Governor, the Texas Department of Public Safety, the Department of Transportation, the Texas Association of Broadcasters, various business and private sector concerns, law enforcement agencies, state and local entities, and the public in the state of Texas." The DPS coordinates the network and is authorized to activate and deactivate the network for alerts that meet specified criteria.

Texas Crime Stoppers

This program provides funds for the administration and operation of local Texas Crime Stoppers programs. Texas Crime Stoppers programs accept anonymous tips and provide rewards when these tips lead to indictments and/or convictions. Texas Crime Stoppers funds a 24-hour toll-free hotline for gathering information on unsolved crimes and trains local programs. Texas Crime Stoppers also provides grant funds directly to certified local programs. The program provides a partnership between the public, law enforcement agencies and the media in order to speed identification and apprehension of criminals.

Victims' Services

Victims' services projects provide professional training and direct services. Training is provided to peace officers, staff, and volunteers who work directly with victims of crime. Proper training of service providers increases the likelihood that victims will be treated appropriately and their needs identified immediately. CJD funds provide direct services to victims of domestic violence, family violence, drunk driving, and sexual assault. Direct services include outreach, advocacy, crisis centers and shelters. Texas Court Appointed Special Advocates (TXCASA) provides advocacy and support for child witnesses and victims experiencing the criminal justice system. The Texas chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) promotes prevention and awareness through media campaigns and training local chapters.

Star of Texas Awards

The Star of Texas Awards honor peace officers, firefighters, and emergency medical first responders who are seriously injured or killed in the line of duty.
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Contact Information

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Mailing Address
P.O. Box 12428
Austin, Texas 78711

Fax: (512)475-2440
Phone: (512) 463-1919