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Trans Texas Corridor

The Trans Texas Corridor is a new vision for transportation that leverages the resources of the private sector to build roads faster, cheaper and with fewer taxpayer dollars spent up front for construction. It combines roads, rail, utilities and energy pipelines into a single corridor that uses less land than traditional methods of expansion. And it will boost our economy by creating hundreds of thousands of jobs, save commuters time with speed limits up to 85 mph, take hazardous cargo out of our most populated areas, provide for passenger rail between cities, and significantly reduce air pollution. The U.S. Department of Transportation has said that the Trans Texas Corridor is helping make Texas “a national example for all states” when it comes to innovative transportation solutions. Gov. Perry has consistently opposed converting existing roads into toll roads, and in 2005 he signed a law that prevents that practice unless local voters say otherwise.
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Rail Relocation

Texas has become the first state in the nation to partner with private rail companies to move existing freight rail lines away from population centers. Relocating rail lines will increase safety for motorists and improve traffic flow, move hazardous cargo out of densely populated areas and lead to quieter neighborhoods with cleaner air. These projects will also lead to greater efficiency in the movement of products from the warehouse to the market and stimulate further economic growth.
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Metropolitan Mobility Plan

For the first time in history, Texas voters have given the state the ability to use its bonding authority to dramatically accelerate transportation construction projects. With $3 billion from this new funding source, nearly 90 percent of the major metropolitan highway projects planned for the next 12 years will be completed in half the standard time. The projects being accelerated will help ease congestion, clean up our air, encourage business expansion and improve safety conditions on highways in our largest urban areas.
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Highway Safety Projects

Texas is undertaking the largest highway safety improvement program in state history thanks to $600 million in bonds approved by voters for safety projects. A total of 645 priority projects covering 2,300 miles will be completed across Texas that will help reduce accidents and save lives. These safety projects include widening narrow roads, installing safety barriers between divided highways, constructing left turn lanes at dangerous highway intersections and building critically needed overpasses.
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