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Out-of-Hospital Do-Not-Resuscitate Program 

The Out-of-Hospital Do-Not-Resuscitate program allows people to decide that they do not want to be resuscitated if they stop breathing and their hearts stop beating. The program allows people to declare that certain resuscitative measures will not be used on them.  Those resuscitative measures specifically listed in the OOH DNR legislation are cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), advanced airway management, defibrillation, artificial ventilations and transcutaneous cardiac pacing.

OOH DNR forms can be ordered from the Texas Medical Association or downloaded from the web.  You can contact TMA at:
Texas Medical Association
ATTN: DNR form
401 West 15th Street
Austin, Texas 78701-1680
(512) 370-1306 --- Recorded information concerning the prices of the DNR form and bracelets.  

Looking to order an OOH DNR identification device?  After completing the Texas OOH DNR Order form, the patient may obtain, at the patient's expense, an optional means of identification.  The OOH DNR ID device may only be obtained AFTER fully executing the Texas OOH DNR Order form.  A recent amendment to 25 TAC 157.25 gives consumers greater choice in Texas OOH DNR identification devices by allowing more businesses to offer identification devices.  The amendment now requires:

(1) An intact, unaltered, easily identifiable plastic identification OOH DNR bracelet, with the word "Texas" (or a representation of the geographical shape of Texas and the word "STOP" imposed over the shape) and the words "Do Not Resuscitate", shall be honored by qualified EMS personnel in lieu of an original OOH DNR Order form.


(2) An intact, unaltered, easily identifiable metal bracelet or necklace inscribed with the words, "Texas Do Not Resuscitate - OOH" shall be honored by qualified EMS personnel in lieu of an OOH DNR Order form. 


Approved manufacturers for metal devices
(As of 2/22/01)
Approved manufacturers for vinyl bracelets
American Medical Identifications, Inc.
Suite 100
949 Wakefield
Houston, Texas 77018
(800) 363-5985
Texas Medical Association
ATTN: DNR form

401 W. 15th Street
Austin, Texas 78701
Order line: (512)370-1306
MedicAlert Foundation, Inc.
2323 Colorado Ave.
Turlock, California 95382
(888) 755-1448

Prices may vary between vendors.  Contact vendors for information.

External links to other sites are intended to be informational and do not have the endorsement of the Texas Department of Health. These sites may also not be accessible to persons with disabilities.

HONORING DIRECTIVE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE OFFENSE OF AIDING SUICIDE.  A person does not  commit an offense under Section 22.08, Penal Code, by withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment from a qualified patient in accordance with this subchapter. (Health and Safety Code 166.047)

Specifications regarding the OOH DNR form:

Indicates PDF file Files marked with this emblem are Adobe Acrobat files allowing most computer platforms accessibility. Get your free Adobe Reader here. Get Acrobat Reader


OOH DNR Forms and Information

red ball graphicIf you are distributing blank OOH DNR forms to be filled out by patients, family and doctors, the blank form MUST include the OOH DNR form on one side and the instructions on the other side.  In the instructions, there is some information required by law that must be made available to the patient, family, witnesses and doctors before the form is signed.

red ball graphicEmergency medical services personnel can honor an OOH DNR form that appears to have been properly executed, even if the instructions are not on the opposite side.

To print a DNR formIndicates PDF file An OOH DNR Order form must be properly executed in accordance with the instructions on the opposite side to be considered a valid form by emergency medical services personnel.
Instructions in Spanish (Word) (PDF Indicates PDF file) An OOH DNR Order form must be properly executed in accordance with the instructions on the opposite side to be considered a valid form by emergency medical services personnel. The signature side of the Texas OOH DNR form (that can be printed from the link above) is still used for the form to be considered a valid form.
DNR Brochure Indicates PDF file
Interim Instructions for filling out the older form correctly  These instructions apply to the 8-inch by 14-inch OOH DNR form with the red logo, revised September 27, 1996, and not to the current form which can be printed from the above link or the form version that was revised May 17, 2000.  
Frequently Asked Questions about OOH DNR  Indicates PDF file
OOH DNR Presentation (UPDATED) Indicates PDF file -- given to senior citizens advocates at the Texas Capital.

Out-of-Hospital Do Not Resuscitate Legislation
    Chapter 166, Advanced Directives
    Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 157.25

Other informative links to DHS, others
Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services, Handbooks and Forms

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