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New Employee Guide to Benefits for Plan Year 2007

Enroll during your first 31 days:
Life Insurance and other Optional Coverage

Get additional insurance to further protect your family

You can enroll in optional coverage during your first 31 days of employment. Here's our Optional Coverage Premium Rates (195 KB PDF).

If you don't enroll during your first 31 days, you may not be able to get the coverage you want later, because you will have to go through EOI and you may not be approved.

During this initial period, you can enroll with no questions asked and without proof of good health in optional term life levels I and II, short-term and long-term disability insurance, and dependent term life insurance. Fort Dearborn Life Insurance Co. is the current carrier for these benefits.

Optional term life insurance

When you enroll in employee health coverage, you also receive $5,000 Basic Group Term Life Insurance for you with $5,000 of Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) coverage, effective the first of the month following your 90th day of employment. You will not receive this coverage if you waive your state health insurance coverage or waive your coverage and sign up for the Health Insurance Opt-Out Credit.

Your first 31 days of employment are the perfect opportunity to get additional term life insurance to protect your family in the event of your death. This is your only chance to get optional term life levels I or II (one or two times your annual salary) without providing EOI or proof of good health. EOI always is required to enroll in optional term life levels III or IV (three or four times your annual salary).

Voluntary Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) insurance

For additional financial protection in the event of accidental death and certain accidental injuries (including loss of sight and dismemberment), you may purchase Voluntary AD&D policies for you only or you and your family. You don't need EOI for this coverage. When you enroll in Voluntary AD&D coverage, your coverage is paid at the full amount (if you are under age 70, from a minimum coverage of $10,000 up to a maximum coverage of $200,000). Your family members are entitled to a percentage of coverage.

Dependent term life insurance

For a small monthly premium, you can get dependent term life insurance, which includes $5,000 term life with $5,000 AD&D for each family member. Your first 31 days of employment are the only time your current dependents can enroll without having to go through EOI. If you acquire a new eligible dependent during the plan year, he or she can be enrolled in dependent term life insurance without EOI if it is done within 31 days of the new dependent being acquired.

The benefit will be paid to you upon the death of your covered dependents or in the event of certain accidental injuries. Your dependent term life premium covers all of the eligible dependents you enroll.

Disability insurance

Your first 31 days of employment are the only time you can enroll in either or both coverage plans without going through EOI. If you become disabled and unable to work, disability insurance can provide you with a portion of your monthly income, once you have met the waiting period and used all of your sick leave.

Short-term disability (STD) insurance will provide you with a portion of your monthly income after a 30-day waiting period (plus any sick leave you may have) if illness or injury (including maternity) keeps you from working for up to five months. Long-term disability insurance will replace a portion of your monthly income if you become disabled and are unable to work for a longer period.

When deciding if you need disability insurance, remember:

  • Benefit periods in the long-term plan are shorter if total disability occurs after age 60.
  • Workers' compensation, disability retirement and benefits from other sources reduce disability insurance benefits. Social Security disability benefits also reduce long-term disability insurance benefits.
  • Before the plan pays you benefits, you must exhaust your sick leave balance (including any extensions), or the waiting period, whichever is greater. You may not need short-term disability insurance if you have an ample sick leave balance.
  • If you have a preexisting condition for which you have received medical treatment, advice or services, or taken prescribed drugs or medicine in the three months prior to the coverage begin date, disability income for that specific condition would not be covered for six months.

More details on these benefits are provided in the FDL Optional Coverages Benefits Book for Active Employees.

Short-Term Disability (STD)

Benefit Amount – Your maximum monthly income benefit will be 60% of your insured monthly salary (maximum $3,000) or $1,800, whichever is less. Your minimum monthly income benefit will be 10% of your insured monthly salary (if you are receiving worker's compensation, a disability retirement benefit, or other group disability benefits).

Coverage Period – Benefits are payable up to five months after you have been certified as totally disabled by an approved practitioner, used all of your sick leave, extended sick leave, sick leave pool, or completed the waiting period of 30 consecutive days, whichever is greater, and have been approved by FDL.

Long-Term Disability (LTD)

Benefit Amount – Your maximum monthly income benefit will be 60% of your insured monthly salary (maximum $10,000) or $6,000, whichever is less. Your minimum monthly income benefit will be 10% of your insured monthly salary for up to 12 months (if you are receiving Social Security disability, worker's compensation, a disability retirement, or other group disability benefits).

Coverage Period – Benefits are payable to you after you have been certified as totally disabled by an approved practitioner, used all of your sick leave, extended sick leave, sick leave pool, or completed the waiting period of 90 consecutive days, whichever is greater, and have been approved by FDL. Benefits are payable up to the maximum benefit period, which depends on your age when you become totally disabled:

Under 60 Payable to age 65*
60-64 Payable for 60 months
65-69 Payable to age 70, or 12 months, whichever is greater*
70 and over
Payable for 12 months
* Benefits end the first day of the plan month following attainment of the limiting age.

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Revised 12/22/06

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