DARS DDS First Responders Providing Emergency Medical Care

Did you know that prompt and properly administered emergency medical care can mean the difference between life and death in most cases?  At the very least it means that you may experience a rapid recovery time and often times avoid permanent disabilities which can result from inadequate or inappropriately administered emergency care.

Imagine that it is 10:15 on a Monday morning.  You’re sitting in your office typing away on the computer.  Suddenly, you start having stabbing pains in your chest, feel cold and clammy, and can’t seem to get enough air.  Sweat begins to form on your forehead and back, you keep hoping that it will pass.  Fifteen minutes go by and there are no signs of relief.  You begin to panic and are unsure of what to do.  If you work at DARS Division for Disability Determination Services (DDS), either you or a co-worker can call the First Responder team for help. 

The DARS Senior Management Team has fully supported the DARS DDS First Responder program since its conception in the summer of 1993. 

What are the First Responders?  The First Responders are part of the Austin Emergency Medical System and also member of the Austin/Travis County Corporate First Responder Network. Through this program DDS staff members are ensured the availability of high quality emergency medical care in the workplace should the need arise.

Who are these First Responders?  They are a group of volunteers who have received intensive medical training which enables them to respond to emergency medical situations; including trauma, in the workplace.  Each team member must successfully complete the required training and collegiate courses in emergency care and must also pass the national and Texas Department of State Health Services testing.  Through this intensive training these volunteers meet the requirements of certified emergency care attendants (ECA) and/or Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT).

There are currently four (4) levels of emergency care providers:  ECA (emergency care attendants), EMT-B (EMT basic), EMT-I (EMT intermediate), and EMT-P (EMT paramedic).  DARS DDS currently has three EMT-B’s: Jean Aguirre, Phyllis Rummel and Laurie Winnette; four ECA’s; Michael Blumenthal, Kimberly McClenahan, Elizabeth Perkins and Patricia Barron.  Kimberly, Patricia and two additional DDS volunteers are scheduled to enroll for the EMT course beginning in the fall of 2006.  Analberto “Al” Garza is the Facility Planning Officer for DARS DDS as well as the Program Administrator for the First Responder team.  In this capacity he handles the administrative duties of the program ensuring that team members continue to receive the necessary training to meet state certification and that medical supplies needed by the team are readily available.

Duties and responsibilities of the First Responder team are providing assistance to employees requesting aide, evaluating the patient’s condition and determining whether it is necessary to call the Austin EMS ambulance for transport to an area hospital.  When the need to transport a patient arises the First Responder team provides reassurance and basic care until the ambulance arrives. 

At times, minimal care is all that is needed.  First Responder team members can take care of these situations without resorting to Austin EMS transport.  Most trauma calls have required basic first aid such as cleaning of wounds, application of antibiotic creams, applications of a cold pack, bandaging, burn treatment, etc.  Less urgent medical calls are generally due to employee illness with flu or respiratory symptoms, emotional upsets or stress, general dizziness, headaches, etc.  These were all handled by the First Responder team without requiring additional backup from EMS Transport. 

The First Responder Team has also responded to employees needs during more serious situations such as chest pain, seizures, diabetic emergency and symptoms of stroke.  In these instances the team administers oxygen, takes baseline vital signs, checks blood sugar levels if necessary and gives aspirin to the patient if indicated.  Team members monitor the patient’s ongoing condition and provide reassurance until Austin EMS transport arrives.  Team members are also trained to perform CPR and the use of the AED (automatic external defibrillator) in case of cardiac arrest.  The AED which was purchased by the First Responder team by means of DDS employee donations and fundraisers is taken on all calls.

In addition to these basic duties, the First Responder may be called on to help with scene control in order to protect the safety and privacy of the patient as well as to prevent additional accidents. Emergency care also includes consideration of and attention to the emotional needs of the patient. In the past four years, the DARS DDS First Responders have responded to an average of 3 to 4 calls a month, several of which being of a serious nature to have EMS transport DDS staff to a nearby hospital for further treatment.  

In addition, First Responders may be called to assist in disaster recovery such as during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.  Jean Aguirre was activated as part of the Texas 1 DMAT (Disaster Medical Assistance Team) FEMA to assist Katrina and Rita evacuees. This entailed manning a 24 hour clinic at Kelly Air Force Base in San Antonio that provided medical services to evacuees and she also served as an Administrative Officer at the mobile medical unit in New Orleans.   Kimberly McClenahan also assisted in the Katrina/Rita relief efforts by treating triage evacuees at the Austin Convention Center and responding to emergency calls in the dorms. Jean provides volunteer assistance to the Austin Travis County EMS.  Phyllis Rummel does the same for Hill Country EMS.

In essence, First Responders are here to provide a service whether you have chest pain or dizziness, headaches or scrapes or bruises from a fall. All merit evaluation.

First Responders: The First Step in Emergency Care can mean the difference between life and death. Who are you going to call?