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TDI Forms Resource

An Index of Texas Department of Insurance Forms

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In an effort to improve service to customers, TDI has revised its Web site to include a TDI Forms Resource page. This page serves as an online link to our central repository for forms used by TDI customers. To locate a specific form on this page, type the form name or one or more words that describe the form in the search window above. If you are unable to locate a specific form, please e-mail TDI's forms manager for assistance at:

Common Standards
With few exceptions, all TDI forms have been revised to include standard header and footers for easy identification. Revised forms now contain the standard TDI letterhead to provide users with contact information when completing the form. Additionally, forms include the form name, form number and revision date. This practice ensures consistency and quality among agency forms. It also facilitates improved customer service, by making forms readily identifiable.

Interactive Forms
TDI is in the process of converting many of its forms to Adobe Acrobat® Interactive PDF(.pdf) format. With Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can complete the interactive forms electronically on your PC, print them and then discard without needing additional software. To save the completed form to your own PC requires additional steps. If you want to be able to revise and update the form fields, you will need to purchase software capable of saving and editing PDF files (prices range from $10 to $140). Or, if you want to save the form for your records and do not plan to edit it, Adobe Reader's Snapshot tool offers a free solution. This tool, part of Acrobat Reader 6 and 7, allows you to capture a picture of the completed form, which can be pasted into a word processing or presentation file for future reference. Prior versions of Acrobat Reader have similar capabilities.

Free Adobe Reader
Forms in .PDF format require the Acrobat reader plug-in. If you are unable to view these forms please download the latest version of Acrobat® Reader from the Adobe Web site. [Acrobat Reader copyright (C) 1987-1997 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Adobe and Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.]

Notice about Certain Information Laws and Practices
With few exceptions, you are entitled to be informed about the information that the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) collects about you. Under sections 552.021 and 552.023 of the Texas Government Code, you have a right to review or receive copies of information about yourself, including private information. However, TDI may withhold information for reasons other than to protect your right to privacy. Under section 559.004 of the Texas Government Code, you are entitled to request that TDI correct information that TDI has about you that is incorrect. For more information about the procedure and costs for obtaining information from TDI or about the procedure for correcting information kept by TDI, please contact the Agency Counsel Section of TDI's Legal & Compliance Division at (512) 475-1757 or visit the Corrections Procedure section of TDI's Web site.


Temporary Old Forms Listing

For more information contact: FORMSMGR@tdi.state.tx.us