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Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission consists of nine members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. Commission members serve staggered terms of six years, with the terms of three members expiring every two years. The terms expire on January 31 of odd-numbered years, and commission members hold office until successors are appointed and qualified.

Every two years, the governor selects from among the members a chairman of the commission for a term expiring on January 31 of the succeeding odd-numbered year. The commission elects a vice-chairman from among its members to serve a two-year term. Vacancies on the commission are filled by the governor, and vacancies in the office of chairman and vice-chairman are filled in the same manner as the original appointment or election.

The commission may meet as often as necessary, but at least on a quarterly basis. Five members constitute a quorum.

Commission members serve without pay, but are entitled to per diem and to reimbursement for actual expenses incurred in attending meetings.

The commission's chief responsibility is the adoption of policies and rules to carry out all programs of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. The commission approves the biennial budget and appropriation requests for submission to the legislature sets departmental policy, and appoints an executive director charged with the implementation of that policy and operation of the department on a daily basis.