Home Carole Keeton Strayhorn, Texas Comptroller
Fiscal Notes
Fiscal Notes

May 2002

Bringing Back Phys. Ed.
Texas public school students are heading back to the gym for P.E.
Comptroller's Desk
Texas Comptroller Carole Keeton Rylander has called for a halt to discriminatory treatment of Texas taxpayers.
Keep Your Own Tax
A change in state law allows local governments to keep some sales tax revenue.
Joining the Corps
Senior citizens are volunteering to help across the state.
Keeping 'em Flying
The Texas airline industry weathered a catastrophic year in 2001.
Working on Welfare
Texas welfare programs are operating under Federal guidelines.
Comptroller News
Tax relief for flood vicitms; Comptroller to pay for review; Webb County districts could save $790,000; Rylander details district savings.
From Our Readers...
Texas at a Glance: Boomer Babies Boom
The number of babies born in Texas boomed for a third straight year in 2000.
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Carole Keeton Strayhorn
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
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