Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Monday, June 30, 2003 – 10:00 a.m.
E. O. Thompson Building
920 Colorado Street
4th Floor Conference Room
Austin, Texas


If you require auxiliary aids, services or materials in an alternate format contact the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation at least 5 working days prior to the meeting date.
Phone: (512) 463-7348, FAX: (512) 475-2872, E-MAIL: caroline.jackson@license.state.tx.us, TDD/RELAY TEXAS: 1-800-relay-VV (for voice), 1-800-relay-TX (for TDD).

Listen to the meeting on Real Audio at - http://real.license.state.tx.us:7070/ramgen/encoder/IHB063003.rm

I. Call to order

II. Roll call and certification of quorum

III. Approval of minutes of March 24, 2003 meeting

IV. Department Update

A. IHB program – Donna L. Lipke

B. Past legislative session – Brian Francis

V. Old Business (Discussion and possible vote on all items under this heading)

A. Recommendation that Council extend the deadline for third party inspectors to obtain energy code certifications - Donna L. Lipke

B. Update on pursuit of evaluation report by Sunrise Housing (GSL Manufacturing) for their one-hour fire-resistive floor/ceiling assembly – Donna L. Lipke

C. Service sinks – Discussion of whether there are times when it would be appropriate to permit the use of a kitchen sink as a service sink.

D. Penalty matrix – Doug Wise

VI. New Business (Discussion and possible vote on all items under this heading)

A. Recommended changes to criteria for approval of Design Review Agencies – Donna L. Lipke

B. Review procedural aspect of Occupations Code Section 1202.153(b) – Jeff Hill

C. Adoption of 2003 International Codes and 2002 National Electrical Code – Donna L. Lipke

D. Revisions to IHB law – Donna L. Lipke

1. Continuing education

2. Municipal authority

3. Commercial buildings

4. Inspections

E. Approval of third party inspectors, third party inspection agencies, and design review agencies – Donna L. Lipke

VII. Public comment

VIII. Recommendations for agenda items for next meeting

IX. Selection of date for next meeting

X. Adjournment

NOTE: Public comments and questions during the meeting are welcomed however comments and questions should be restricted to the subject matter being considered at the time