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[ Note: This item is more than a month old. Please take the publication date into consideration for any date references. ]
[ Media Contact: Steve Lightfoot, (512) 389-4701, steve.lightfoot@tpwd.state.tx.us ] [BG]
Oct. 25, 2006
Weekly Migratory Bird Hunting Report
Weekly migratory bird hunting reports are posted from late August through early February.
High Plains Mallard Management Unit: Youth hunters got the first crack at big ducks this weekend. Though participation was limited, those who did hunt saw plenty of birds. Opening day of duck season should be excellent. Playa lakes are covered with teal, gadwalls, wigeons, shovelers and a few mallards. Good numbers of ducks are being seen in Knox City, Dumas and Spearman. Canada geese are beginning to show in force in the Panhandle since the latest cool front and hunters can expect more with each passing front. More specklebellies, along with Canadas, are showing in the Knox City area. Duck season runs Oct. 28-29 and Nov. 3-Jan. 28. Goose season in the West Zone runs Nov. 4-Feb. 6 with a bag limit of three Canadas, one white-front and 20 light geese. Prospects are good.
North Zone Waterfowl: The recent front deposited gadwalls, shovelers, teal, wigeons and a few mallards on area lakes and reservoirs. Since the region is quite dry, expect more ducks on lakes and reservoirs until winter rains fill sloughs, bayous and shallow river beds. The region did receive rain last week. Toledo Bend reported the lake rising near two feet. What water is available has ducks. Most private ponds holding water has ducks. Coastal fields received as much as 10 inches of rain last week which has leveed ponds brimming full. The youth season runs Oct. 28-29 and prospects are good. Regular duck season runs Nov. 4-26 and Dec. 9-Jan. 28 with a five-duck limit.
South Zone Waterfowl: Duck numbers are strong across the coastal prairie. Eagle Lake, Garwood, Sealy, El Campo and any other ponds in the region are holding birds. Noticeably, large numbers of gadwalls have hit the coast.The region received a boost of rain last week which has leveed pond brimming full with water. Duck numbers are building on the coast as well. Redheads were sighted from East Matagorda Bay to Rockport. An influx of specklebellies hit the coast early last week and another waves arrived over the weekend. Fields in Wharton, Colorado, Jackson, Lavaca, Matagorda, Brazoria and Chambers are holding good numbers of dark geese. Some snow geese are mixed with the specks. The youth season runs Oct. 28-29 and prospects are excellent. Duck season runs Nov. 4-26 and Dec. 9-Jan. 28 with a bag limit of 5. The East Zone goose season runs Nov. 4-Jan. 28 for light geese and Canada geese, and Nov. 4-Jan. 14 for specklebellies. Bag limits are 20 light geese, two specklebellies and three Canada geese.
Dove Hunting: Dove season in the North and Central Zones ends at sunset Oct. 30. The Central Zone will reopen and run Dec. 26-Jan.4 The recent front did deposit new birds to Texas, but, hunter participation has waned. Whitewings remain fair to good in the San Antonio corridor. The same holds true for mourning doves around Uvalde, Hondo, Sabinal and Del Rio. South Texas received rains last week. New birds hit the region early last week and this weekend. The first split of the South Zone runs through Nov. 12. Prospects are fair to good.
On the Net:
Hunting Regulations: http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/publications/annual/hunt/
Avian Influenza: http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/birdflu/