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Texas Department of Insurance

Straight Talk About Insurance - UPDATE!
Getting accurate information about insurance in Texas from news reports is a challenging ordeal. Click on the Straight Talk link to see what´s really happening to insurance in Texas! Thanks.

SB1670 Program
  • Financial Responsibility Program User Guide - Request for Comments: Senate Bill 1670, 79th Legislature, Regular Session, requires the Texas Department of Insurance, in consultation with the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Department of Transportation and Texas Department of Information Resources, (the implementing agencies) to implement Subchapter N, Chapter 601, Transportation Code, and create a program for verification of financial responsibility that will reduce the number of uninsured motorist in this state. Further, SB 1670 requires the agencies responsible for implementing Subchapter N, Chapter 601, Transportation Code, to establish and publish a user guide clearly specifying requirements and procedures for providing information under the verification program under that subchapter.

    The Department of Insurance has finalized the Reporting Guide and User Manual for the Texas Financial Responsibility Verification Program. A copy may be downloaded [Word] from the TDI website. [A PDF version also is available.]

  • Contract Awarded - As provided in Senate Bill 1670, which was enacted by the 79th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, the Texas Department of Insurance, in conjunction with the Texas Department of Transportation, the Texas Department of Public Safety, and the Texas Department of Information Resources, has awarded the contract for the motor vehicle financial responsibility verification program to HDI Solutions, Inc.

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