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Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
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Pollution Prevention and Recycling

Related Categories:
Air Pollution Prevention
How individuals can prevent and reduce air pollution. TCEQ programs that work with businesses and individuals to clean up the air.
Pollution Prevention Planning and Technical Assistance
Technical assistance to business, industry, and local government to conserve resources and reduce waste including information on requirements for the Waste Reduction Act (WRPA).
Preventing Pollution Along the U.S.-Mexico Border
Efforts to prevent pollution along the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo) in Texas and the Mexican states of Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, and Chihuahua, with special attention to problems involving maquiladoras.
Programs to Improve and Manage Air Quality
Programs to clean up and maintain air quality.
Recycling and Waste Reduction Resources
Information on recycling programs for communities, schools, and workplaces.
Reporting Recycling and Waste Reduction
Both required and voluntary reporting.
Topics Under This Category:
Environmental News You Can Use
This newsletter offers current information on environmental topics of interest to Clean Texas members, and other groups including municipalities, Keep Texas Beautiful affiliates, corporate environmental managers, school teachers, and the general public.
Exhibitor Registration and Information
Information about exhibiting at the Environmental Trade Fair and Conference.
Facts: Household Hazardous Waste in America
Statistics on household hazardous waste in America from a University of Arizona study.
Managing Household Hazardous Waste
Main page for information on household hazardous wastes in Texas.
Managing Used Electronics in the Workplace
Strategies for minimizing or eliminating surpluses of electronic equipment such as computers.
Pollution-Prevention Resources
Some of the pollution-prevention (P2) resources available on line to assist with P2 Planning efforts.
Storing and Using Household Chemicals
Describes how to store and use household chemicals.
Texas Recycles Day Exit Site
Annual statewide event every November 15.
Texas Recycles Day
An annual statewide public awareness event to encourage Texans to recycle.
Texas Homeland Security
TRAIL: Texas Records and Information Locator