Texas State Board of
 Veterinary Medical Examiners 



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Online License Renewal
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Veterinary Licensing Act Verifications
Exam Results






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Cat and Dog Renewal Banner

Our Mission:

The mission of the Texas State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners is to establish and enforce policies to ensure the best possible quality of veterinary services for the people of Texas.

Our Goals:

The Board and its staff will ensure that Texans are effectively and efficiently served by quality veterinary professionals by setting clear standards for professional conduct, by assuring compliance with the rules of professional conduct and the community standard of care, and seeking solutions to issues that strengthen the profession and protect the public.

Our History:

The Texas State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners operates under the authority of Chapter 801, Texas Occupations Code. The Veterinary Licensing Act, along with the Board, was created in 1911. The purpose of the Board is to protect the public by ensuring that persons entering the profession meet minimum academic and examination requirements.

The Board also establishes and enforces policies to ensure the best possible quality of veterinary services for the citizens of Texas.  The board may adopt and amend rules of professional conduct as appropriate to establish and maintain a high standard of integrity, skills and practice in the profession of veterinary medicine.

Examinations are administered by the Board to qualified applicants, and successful completion is a prerequisite to issuance of any license.  The Board has authority to refuse applicants for examination, revoke or suspend licenses, issue administrative penalties, administer oaths and subpoenas, and compel witnesses to attend hearings concerning alleged violations of the Veterinary Licensing Act.

The Board underwent Sunset review during the 73rd Legislature.  S.B. 623 amended the Act by strengthening and standardizing complaint investigation and enforcement provisions, expanding provisions for administrative and civil penalties, granting authority to temporarily suspend a license without a formal hearing, establishing mandatory continuing education, and granting authority to issue provisional licenses.  The Act will undergo the Sunset process in 2004 for the 79th session that begins in January 2005.

Our Organization:

The Board is located in Austin, Texas and is organized into five principal program functions - Executive, Administrative, Licensing, Enforcement, and Fiscal Operations.  Each program depends upon information from the other to assure that functions are carried out in a manner consistent with the statutory requirements of the Veterinary Licensing Act.


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Texas State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners
333 Guadalupe Street Tower III Suite 810
Austin, Texas 78701
Phone:  512.305.7555
Fax:  512.305.7556
email:  vet.board@tbvme.state.tx.us

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