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Texas Cancer Registry

Cancer Cluster Information

What is a cancer cluster?

Cancer clusters are defined as the occurrence of a greater than expected number of cases within a group of people, a geographic area or a period of time. Cancer Clusters may be suspected when people report that several family members, friends, neighbors or co-workers have been diagnosed with cancer. Over the past several decades, a steadily rising number of suspected clusters of many types of cancer has been reported by the public. Reported disease clusters of any kind, including suspected cancer clusters, are investigated by epidemiologists (scientists who study the frequency and distribution of diseases in populations), who use their knowledge of diseases, environmental science, lifestyle factors and biostatistics to try to determine whether a suspected cluster represents a true excess of cancer cases.

Please Note: For additional information, or to request a cancer cluster investigation, please e-mail , or call 1-800-252-8059 (in Texas) -or- 512-458-7523 (outside of Texas).

Cancer Cluster Investigations Completed September 01, 2001 thru
August 19, 2005, by County

Please select your county of interest by name:


Cancer Cluster Information

  • Acrobat PDF files must be viewed/printed using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • Introduction & Cancer Cluster Investigation Brochure ( .pdf - 12K)
  • Number of Cancer Cluster Investigations Completed By year, 1989-2004 ( .pdf - 47K)
  • Distribution of Cancer Cluster Investigations by Texas County, 2001-2004 ( .pdf - 580K)

Want to know more?

For additional information on cancer cluster investigations see:


Contact TCR

Last Updated August 26, 2005
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