
The purpose of a resume is to contribute to one’s personal brand and to get an interview. While there are hundreds of opinions on what a “good” resume should be the Career Resource Center staff have done some background work for students: First, we reviewed how employers recruit UNT Business students. Secondly, we work with recruiters on a daily basis and can see which formats result in interviews. There are two primary resume formats recommended for UNT G. Brint Ryan College of Business students with some special formats that are strongly recommended specifically for Accounting majors. Both formats allow students to create a document that highlights skills and competencies because this is what recruiters focus on when reviewing resumes.

The chronological or jobs-based format should be used by a majority of UNT G. Brint Ryan College of Business students. Especially as they approach their junior and senior year. This format is the one that most recruiters are looking for in new graduates and highlights relevant work experience and internships. Students with multiple work experiences and/or internships should be using this format.

The secondary format recommended is a functional or skills based resume and is for students who have minimal work experience, employment gaps or have never worked. It highlights transferable skills that come from courses taken, volunteer work, campus involvement, and work experience. Bullet-points in the skills section can include experience gained from an academic project and tasks completed as a student leader in a student professional organization.

Recruiters are known to quickly scan resumes looking for the most relevant information based on the criteria outlined in the job description. This is why your resume must be easy to read, highlight the most relevant work experience, and be to-the-point.

Students can find examples of all resume formats below

The Career Resource Center has multiple opportunities during each week for students to drop-in for a resume review. Students can also set up an appointment with staff members through Eagle Careers/handshake.