

NT40 was founded in 1974 by President Nolen as a group of prominent students who held levels of organizational leadership and whose focus was based on philanthropic efforts, pride, and tradition. Members soon became highly recommended for their reputation of upholding spirit, traditions, commitment to UNT, involvement around campus, and of course academic achievement in the classroom.

Today the members of NT40 are known as the "Top 40 Leaders" on campus because of their high levels of involvement in student organizations and off-campus organizations. The NT40 hosts a leadership lecture dinner series multiple times a semester with speakers from the Executive Leadership Development Council, which serves as an outreach effort with other upcoming campus leaders. They also help to organize the All for North Texas; North Texas for All Leadership Retreat, maintain a tradition of sitting on the 40-yard line at all home football games, and keeps up with their own curriculum of professional training exercises at each general body meeting.


1. To serve in promoting the pride, spirit, and positive image of the University of North Texas.

2. To help host a semesterly NT Preview that allows prospective students and their parents to become better acquainted with UNT.

3. To actively work on special events that directly affect administrators, students, and/or alumni of our university.

4. To be articulate representatives of student leadership, not only on campus, but in the community as well.

5. To serve as student ambassadors for the North Texas Alumni Association.

Core Values

1. Integrity

2. Loyalty

3. Commitment to Excellence

4. Leadership Development

5. Pride in the University of North Texas


The North Texas 40 Student Foundation seeks to encourage and recruit the top 40 student leaders on campus. Membership is based on the following criteria:

  • Must be enrolled at UNT for at least one semester prior to selection.
  • Have a minimum of 60 undergraduate hours (transfer students - at least 24 hours completed at UNT, graduate students - at least 18 hours completed at UNT) before the start of the semester in which membership begins.
  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8 from UNT.
  • Be or have been a member of at least two other registered student organizations and must currently be in at least one other registered student organization.
  • Have been involved in one registered organization holding a leadership position.
  • If student meets neither of these qualifications, write an essay describing why you believe you are deserving of membership.
  • If the student is a graduate student, he/she must have attended UNT as an undergraduate, or have enrolled at the university one semester prior with a cumulative UNT GPA of 3.0 prior to the selection

Recruitment of new members occurs once a semester and because of high volumes of applications, applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as they are eligible and to expect to apply more than once.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the application or NT40 please contact the Recruitment Chair, Mary Walton by email at NorthTexas40recruitment@gmail.com.

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