Expired Certification Exam Information

As educational standards are updated and changed by the state of Texas, certification programs and exams must also be updated so that they reflect those changes.  This means that the certification exams that were offered during your tenure at UNT may no longer be offered.

Candidates who did not complete certification testing before their exams or certification program expired will not be given test permission to the new certification exams without approval from program faculty. The TExES Advising Office does not have the authority to grant approval, therefore you must submit an ARR Appeal to request permissions to the new certification exams for the program you completed.

In your ARR Appeal, you need to select "other" for the reason for the appeal and the reason will be Permissions for New Certification Exams. Provide the exam(s) you need permissions to, and a detailed explanation for why you are requesting test permissions. You must provide copies of your transcripts and degree audit. Instead of admissions scores, provide copies of your TExES exam scores.  If you have questions about completing the form or the attachments, email Dr. Angela Randall (Angela.Randall@unt.edu).

Candidates who wish to pursue teacher certification in an area different than the program they completed should seek certification through an Alternative Certification or Post-Baccalaureate program, as UNT cannot grant test approval for any exam that was not required by your program.  A list of accredited Educator Preparation Programs can be found on the TEA website.

Be aware that testing requirements for certification include the content, pedagogy, and any supplemental (ESL, Bilingual, BTLPT, or Special Education) exams related to the program you completed. You must take and pass all required exams in order to be eligible for certification.